Weekly Vocaloid Ranking #186 – I’m an alien
Vocaloid NND Weekly Ranking
Weekly Vocaloid Ranking “Unselected”
Listening to the Denpa Onna OP made me plow on through this weeks rankings, also IRC helped release some of my stress and made it easier on me. I’m amazed that there are 4 miki songs on the rankings this week, so come check it out!
Naho’s Opening Statement:
<rebecca/kurisuto’s translation will be coming up. So stay tuned!>
-Editors: Pengy, DTKel, descent87, bunnychan, redemption2
-Translator: Coming up soon
-Song Status: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- #30 (–): 【初音ミク】「サイノウサンプラー」【オリジナル】 (Talent Sampler)
akka+mirto PV helped this jump up to number 30 this week.- #29 (–): 【初音ミク】 クルーキッド 【オリジナル曲PV付】 (Crew Kid)
A very un-Miku like PV….but also a very good PV, interesting to see its slightly delayed popularity.- #28 (↓22): 【鏡音リンレン】リモコン【オリジナルPV】 (Remote Control)
Watched this in full for only the first time this week. Now I’m obsessed :/- #27 (!!): 【猫村いろは】初音ミクに勝つので或る【初音ミク】【ヲタPオリジナル】
Great song with Iroha and Miku Tthe iroha-wave definitely isn’t stopping, good to see that her voice is becoming a WVR fixture.- #26 (!!): 巡音ルカとmikiのための「ぬるいコーラといかれた時計」
<no comment>- #25 (↑50): 【鏡音リン】メランコリック【オリジナルPV付】 (Melancholic)
Odd… new rankings calculation really brings up old songs, not that its bad or anything. (<----learn your release dates O_O, jk)YES! History! Anniversary time for an awesome song. Well....I zenzenever liked you either...baka.- #24 (!!): 【初音ミク】バケツツール【PV付オリジナル曲】 (Bucket Tool)
lol buckets.- #23 (↑31): 【GUMI】十面相【オリジナル曲PV付き】 (Ten-Faced)
<no comment>- #22 (!!): 【miki】 梔子ビクリと花の街 【オリジナル】
A great Miki song by MikitoP. If you wondered how Miki would sound singing a dreamy, fantasy style song, here you go. Its pretty good to boot.- #21 (!!): 【ミク・リン・ルカ・レン・レンAppend】「SPIRAL GAME」オリジナル曲
I don’t love this as much as Mr.Music, but still a great song.- #20 (↑21): 【GUMI】モザイクロール【オリジナル曲PV付】 (Mozaik Role)
Still here. Kore mo ume ii ja nai ka? Yeah, it totally is.- #19 (!!): 【mikiオリジナル】 強奪少女 【キラミキ★2】 (Plundering Girl)
What is this explosion of diversity….my brain…my Miku…Well actually it probably should make everyone pretty happy.- #18 (↑19): 【オリジナル曲PV】マトリョシカ【初音ミク・GUMI】 (Matryoshka)
<no comment>- #17 (–): 【鏡音リン・レン】鏡 音 P 名 言 っ て み ろ !【552人】
Can you count them all?- #16 (!!): 【初音ミク】It’s a wonderful world.【R-15】
HAMO and Miku(soft) really do make it a Wonderful World.- #15 (!!): 初音ミクのオリジナル曲 リバースゲーム-Full ver.- (Reverse Game)
There is always something about DeadballP’s works that make them a welcome shakeup to the Vocaran.- #14 (↓13): 【オリジナル曲PV】 パンダヒーロー 【GUMI】 (Panda Hero)
<no comment>- #13 (!!): 【初音ミク】ころころリング【オリジナル】 (Korokoro Ring)
<no comment>- #12 (!!): 【mikiオリジナル曲】ゼログラビティ【PV付き】 (Zero Gravity)
Really love the “epicness” of the song. Wonderful song and PV. I like her, but this song really made me re-evaluate my opinion of Miki’s potential, just wonderful.- #11 (↓2): 【鏡音リン・初音ミク】ラストバトル【オリジナル曲PV】 (Last Battle)
<no comment>- #10 (!!): 【初音ミク】 message 【オリジナル】
<no comment>- #9 (!!): 鏡音レン 無実 (Innocence)
Len AVTechNO!? Different, but I like it. Heck ya. AVTech makes Len even more awesome.- #8 (!!): 【初音ミク】Border【オリジナル】
Intense.- #7 (!!): 【空音ラナ・初音ミク】見えない黒に堕ちてゆけ【オリジナル民族曲PV】
Is that some UTAU in my top 10? That is some pretty interesting singing.- #6 (!!): 【GUMI】キッチンでカッパがタニシ茹でてる【オリジナル曲】 (Boil snails in the kitchen with a kappa)
Ok yeah, I can’t translate this. Random note: The dolls remind me of Korewa Zombie…- #5 (!!): 【GUMI】「夜空にふたつ」【オリジナル】 (Two in the night sky)
On its vocal merits alone this is a very very good song.- #4 (↑72): 【初音ミク】キミノカケラ【オリジナル曲】 (A Piece of You)
Oooh, I wonder how I missed this. I just might be in love. Its like a techno Electric Love or something.THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: (WVR#)
This spot is for a look back at the VocaRan one year before. Here are the top five songs from that week.
- #5: 【初音ミク(40 ㍍)】 三日月ライダー 【オリジナル】 (Mikazuki Rider/Cresent Moon Rider)
40mP!!!!!!!~ Probably one of my favorite 40mP songs like ever.- #4: 【初音ミク】 【I】 【オリジナル曲】
<no comment>- #3: 【カバー】GUMI で「さよならメモリーズ」【supercell】 (Sayonara Memories)
Oh yes, I remember this cover, ’twas a great one.- #2: 【GUMI】 弱虫モンブラン【オリジナル曲PV付】 (Yowamushi Montblanc/Coward Montblanc)
It’s already been a year now? Oh how time has flown. Oh that song that made me realize Deco*27 was a musical genius.- #1: 初音ミクオリジナル曲 「初音ミクの暴走(LONG VERSION)」 (Hatsune Miku no Bousou)
Always EXTREMELY fun to listen to. I recommend doing that right now.- #3 (→): 【初音ミク】ラストエフェクト【オリジナル】 (Last Effect)
Apparently I’m not the only one still mesmerized by this.- #2 (!!): 【GUMI】進化論 code:variant【オリジナル曲PV】 (Evolution code:variant)
While I didn’t know who ORYO was before, I sure know them now.- #1 (!!): 【GUMI】 マーメイド 【オリジナルPV】 (Mermaid)
Not an amazing number 1 but its a good song.- ED Song: 【MEIKO】METROPOLIS CRISIS【オリジナル曲】
<no comment>
Editor Picks of the week:
- WAVEFILE/初音ミク fullver.
- 【初音ミク】RAVI【オリジナル】
- 【初音ミク】モノクロナイト【オリジナル】 (Monochrome Night)
Yes! LamazeP full song for WAVEFILE, original was released August last year I think? I’ve listened to this about 20 times tonight…just adorable. Pi Pi Pi!
A nice soft song by kairu. I also love the art.
Much like WAVEFILE expect this to shoot up the rankings next Vocaran. A stunning use of Miku Append in a amazingly chill song. (See I can recommend too!)
Final Thoughts/Analysis:
Well if you happened to buy PJD Dreamy theatre off of the PlayStation network, I would recommend changing your credit card numbers and stuff because recently the PSN has been hacked, and they only just announced that data was stolen. (Back on topic): Lots of new songs this week. History was not in the video, but I still added it into the listing. Ugh so tired though. I missed my daily nap time.
…And so with that, we end this week’s Vocaloid Ranking review. Please join us again next week, and I believe it is nap time..
Wow, Already been a year since Montblanc came out? Time surely pass through fast…
And I am super happy that AvTechNo! used Len once again, I got caught by the way he used Len when I first heard his remix of his own song "6". (Remix was named "Darkness 6" maybe… Not too sure, I'm awful when it comes to names.)
I'm quite happy with this week's ranking though, alot of songs that I can have some joy from. <3
Eh really? a year since Montblanc came out?
I just recently listening to Vocaloids (last October) and I came to knew Montblanc in December (my first Vocaran week, I remember Montblanc was in the list).
Reallllyyy…………….. No doubt about it, Deco*27 is a genius in music.
Thats awesome that your somewhat new to Vocaloid as well Bixenn. I was new last April and Montblanc was one of the first songs I ever heard! Love Deco*27 haha.
Yeah, since that December (finding about the first MikuPa concert, knowing Vocaran week) my collection of Vocaloid songs is rapidly raising, now I have about 100 songs in my HDD
Awesome, keep at it! I hope you keep discovering new things from Vocaran like I do. I hope to see you around Vocaloidism.
I can't believe that all 3 of my favorites, (Miki, Iroha, Gumi) are in here! Congrats to Miki for a #12 song! Let's hope that this diversity keeps up.
sigh i wonder when will sippotan be the one who will make the ranknig the preveiws ends way so fast
Yeah I do agree. Also I feel that sippotan does a better job of selecting the preview segments. I just hope that sippotan is recovering from the disaster, I'm sure they'll be back soon enough.
Wow this week is really amazing. Lots of great songs! #7 is different lol i like it! It reminds of the music from the Cirque du soleil shows. #9 was also quite different. Len is used really interestingly. I don't know what the lyrics are about but i can almost imagine a pv where Len is all like bad boy with a tortured past >.<
Interesting Vocaran, surprisingly light on Miku (40%) and almost void of the others cryptonloid with a lot of new songs. Nothing really amazing to my taste, but I really liked #27, the first IrohaとMiku song we have I think, and thanks god it's not yuri themed (though I'm sure that won't last).
The Miki influx is because there was recently a Miki appreciation festival sort of deal much like last year. Looks like it's a much greater success than its predecessor; great to see an awesome Vocaloid like Miki getting noticed. Also great to see an Ichikura song up there at #26. <3
Also, uhh…AVTechNO has used Len before. Multiple times, actually. Gratz to this week's offering for being the first solo Len song on my iPod, incidentally; APPEND is really awesome.
Wow, at Kaoling's new song, she's officially goddess of Miku and LOL at 4, so THAT song from last week ranking was a preview to this song (with different lyrics)
kaoling is a girl? Cool! My favorite new song of this week is definitely her song~
Also, there's so much miki because of the second annual Kiramiki Festival: http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A9%E3…
yay less miku[no offense. she just gets waaayy~ too much attention>.<] im starting to get used to miki now. luv #12 she sounds so real ^_^.
but man! where is farewell speaker by append len at??! 0[]o
I am glad to see lots of previously un-noticed Vocaloids getting more time in the spotlight, but I have to say…
Is there no Luka in this ranking at all? (Well aside from "Spiral Game" which features all the CV series vocaloids.) It makes me… a bit sad.
Luka had her weeks, and I am sure its coming again soon.