Charity Song Project – In Aid Of March 11th Earthquake and Tsunami Victims
This information was mentioned to us by one of the members (thanks lelangir!) who have been involved in this charity song project, in which an English version of the project site has just been put up for the convenience of readers outside Japan. More information on this charity project after the jump!
So what is this Charity Song Project about? Basically it’s an activity which aims to support victims affected by the March 11th earthquake/tsunami incident. More than 200 independent artists/composers are involved and all of them will help contribute original songs to the project with all profits generated from this going towards the aid of the incident.
These proceeds will be donated towards possible candidates such Japanese Red Cross Society, NICCO (Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development), peace winds JAPAN and many others by fair vote of the participating artists and composers.
The charity project is now looking for artists willing to participate regardless of nationality, so long as it’s:
– Music that is not commissioned or managed by copyright management organizations (Ex.ASCAP).
– Not copyrighted music composed by others
Translators who can translate #charity_song lyrics are welcomed too so if you think you are able to help on this please email to “[email protected]” with the subject title as “I want to join #charity_song”. The overseas recruitment period will end on May 31st 2011. For more information on the conditions you can go over to their site.
For anyone else willing to help you can go over to iTunes music store to purchase their 1st album, titled “Charity Songs 404”. Or check out some of the song previews created on the site as well.
Waaaa!! Amazing =D
I will definitly look into this once I get on my own computer ^-^!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Ooh, so THAT is why Yuki's Sleep on the Melonpan has that tag. …..!!!!! Now I must buy this album.
I will see if i can join :3 i wanted to do original songs in a longer time now, i’ll probably use luka, english, and back her up with other vocaloid botj english and japanese :3
So even non vocaloid songs are accepted into the project? If this is true I am interested.
I am really sad about what happened to Japan… It has been a long time ever since I came back to this site… I saw the picture and cried… I don’t want to remember anything or at least one thing about the destruction of Japan…
Hatsune Miku and Crypton, I really hoped that you did not get affected by the earthquake and tsunami…
Only if I had the power to stop and control the earth to prevent destruction…
Take care guys….
-Timothy Samuel Tan, 15
Vocalic forever. I will never stop supporting you guys and Japan. Arigato gosaimasu!
Vocaloid* I hate auto correct….