Vocaloid Ranking Special 6: Vocaloid’s Dawn, Part 1 and 3 (Updated)

As Naho would say, sorry for the wait! The other parts will be coming soon, but for now, here’s Part 1!
Update: Part 3 added! Part 2-1 and 2-2 will take longer, so next up will be Parts 4 and 5.
Part 1:
Naho’s Opening Statement:
*Zangiri-atama wo tataite mireba, bunmei-kaika no oto ga suru, literally “if you knock a zangiri-atama, you hear the sound of the bunmei-kaika”.”Bunmei-kaika” (“civilization and enlightment”) is a movement in favor of the West that took place in the Japanese society during the early Meiji period (1860), when Western culture started to make its way into Japan; “zangiri-atama” was a type of westernized hairstyle which some men began to wear instead of chonmage as a sign of “civilization”. Thus, zangiri-atama was synonymous to modernity and civilization, whereas chonmage represented things of the past, which is what the expression “zangiri atama wo tataite mireba, bunmei-kaika no oto ga suru” means.
If you pull the pigtails, you hear the sound of the future.
On this busy Spring 2011, we bring to you this Special. This time too, I, Naho, will be your navigator.
My name isn’t “Rei Omaeda”, it’s Naho. I’ll do my best for you to remember my name, so bear with me!
But before starting the Special: my thoughts go to all of you who suffered from the Great East Japan Earthquake. The uploader too suffered from it, and the rankings have been delayed for more than one month but everything should get back to normal at last. Also, since this Special was supposed to be uploaded in late March, the clothes I’m wearing don’t exactly fit the season… It’s almost Summer already…
Like the previous Special, this one will consist of five parts – or rather, five parts but six videos since the Special Project got bigger than expected. The Special Project itself is almost one hour long!
But first, an explanation on how the point system works and what videos will be counted. It is different from how the Weekly Ranking works, so the newcomers might want to check the rules.
Data used: up until March 9, 2011, 5:00.
Videos that entered the Weekly Miku Miku Ranking #1 to #5, Konshuu no Meiko-san #5, Weekly VOCALOID Ranking #6 to #179 and the VOCALOID Ranking SP1, except the ones that have been deleted or set to private. For songs that have different versions, only the one with the most points will be featured.
As for the point calculation method, the biggest difference with the Weekly VocaRan lies in the formula concerning the mylists. In the SP6, the mylist count is always decupled, rather than being multiplied by the “compensation value B” based on the so-called “mylist rate”.
Also, as for the videos that made it into the SP5, only the points they gained since then will be counted so that newer and older songs are on equal terms.
Well then, sorry for the wait! Let’s start the ranking and watch #100 to #71!
Song Status: Old , New
- #100 (337,740): GUMIオリジナルPV曲「家出少年と迷子少女」 (The Runaway Boy and the Lost Girl)
- #99 (338,602): 【鏡音リン】いろは唄【オリジナル曲】 (Iroha Song)
- #98 (340,717): 【第6回MMD杯本選】#51
- #97 (341,416): 鏡音レンオリジナル曲 「右肩の蝶」 (Butterfly on the Right Shoulder)
- #96 (345,726): 【危険!】蒟蒻ゼリーを食べると死にます【初音ミク】 (You’ll Die If You Eat Konjac Jelly)
- #95 (345,879): 【初音&鏡音】 Knife 【至高のミクスチャー】
- #94 (350,548): 【神威がくぽ KAITO 鏡音レン】「LOVELESS×××」オリジナル曲【PV付】
- #93 (350,824): [初音ミク] 愛言葉 [オリジナル曲] (Love Words)
- #92 (351,701): 【鏡音リンレン】リモコン【オリジナルPV】 (Remote Controller)
- #91 (355,138): 【GUMI】 星の唄 【オリジナル!】 (Star Song)
- #90 (358,455): 【ニコニコラボ】 Mr.Music 【ボーカロイドオリジナル】
- #89 (360,551): 【初音ミク】 般若心経ハードコア 【アレンジ】 (Heart Sutra Hardcore)
- #88 (365,919): 【鏡音レン】悪ノ召使【中世物語風オリジナル】 (Servant of Evil)
- #87 (367,112): Lily「リリリリ★バーニングナイト」【オリジナル曲】 (Lily Lily★Burning Night)
- #86 (371,003): 【初音ミクSoft】 ハロ/ハワユ 【オリジナル】 (Hello / How Are You)
- #85 (375,850): 【初音ミク】 シャァベッタァァァァァァァ!!! 【オリジナル曲】 (SHE SPOOOOOKE!!!)
- #84 (375,900): 【初音ミク】↑人生ゲーム↓【オリジナル】 (↑Life Game↓)
- #83 (380,049): 【初音ミク】 かくれんぼ 【オリジナル!】 (Hide-and-seek)
- #82 (381,635): 【GUMI】 会いたい 【オリジナル曲】 (I Want to Meet You)
- #81 (382,161): ボーカロイドたちがオリジナル曲をセッションしたようです (It Seems Vocaloids Jammed to an Original Song)
- #80 (382,769): 【初音ミク】ストロボラスト【オリジナル】 (Strobolast)
- #79 (383,308): 猫村いろは「ネコネコ☆スーパーフィーバーナイト」【オリジナル曲】 (Neko Neko☆Super Fever Night)
- #78 (386,587): 【初音ミク】家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。 (When I Come Home, My Wife Always Pretends to Be Dead)
- #77 (387,026): Mr.Alice|初音ミク
- #76 (389,795): 【鏡音リン】わすれんぼう【オリジナル】 (Forgetful)
- #75 (390,207): 【初音ミクKAITO】サンドリヨン(Cendrillon)【オリジナル曲】
- #74 (390,997): 【初音ミク(40㍍)】 トリノコシティ 【オリジナル】 (Torinoko City)
- #73 (392,181): 【鏡音リン・レンAppend】からくり卍ばーすと【オリジナル】 (Device, Swastika, Burst)
- #72 (400,555): 【GUMI】For my soul【オリジナル曲PV付】
- #71 (402,856): 初音ミクオリジナル曲 「from Y to Y」
These were #100 to #71. What an exciting start for this ranking!
There’s lot of diversity among the videos that entered the ranking ths time, both in terms of music genres and the Vocaloids used. As of March 9, 2011, sixteen Japanese voicebanks have been released (not counting the Appends and specialized voicebanks). More voicebanks, in other words, more possibilities in terms of expression. Maybe that’s the reason why there’s so much diversity this time…
Let’s continue with #70 to #41. More hit songs you’ve listened to before are coming! Even though only half a year has passed, it’s very dense; we’re now entering the battlefield! Well then, let’s resume the exciting ranking!
- #70 (413,740): 【オリジナル曲PV】Mrs.Pumpkinの滑稽な夢【初音ミク】 (Mrs. Pumpkin Comical Dream)
- #69 (420,535): 【初音ミク】 Symphony 【オリジナルPV!】
- #68 (422,321): 【巡音ルカ】Blackjack【オリジナル曲】
- #67 (423,069): 「歌に形はないけれど」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク (Even though Songs Are Shapeless)
- #66 (440,338): 【めぐっぽいどオリジナル曲】ぼくらの16bit戦争【PV付き】 (Our 16-Bit War)
- #65 (449,965): 【オリジナル曲PV】clock lock works【初音ミク】
- #64 (457,443): 【初音ミク】 能く在る輪廻と猫の噺 【オリジナル曲PV】 (Common Stories About Reincarnation and Cats)
- #63 (465,353): 【鏡音リン・初音ミク】雨夢楼【オリジナル】 (Rain, Dream, Cherry Tree)
- #62 (467,863): 【初音ミク】影踏みエトランゼ【オリジナル】 (Shadow-Stepping Stranger)
- #61 (468,552): 【初音ミク】 The Beast. 【オリジナル】
- #60 (476,963): 【初音ミク】1925【オリジナル曲】
- #59 (491,531): 【初音ミク】左右 -みぎひだり-【オリジナル・PV】 (Right and Left)
- #58 (492,748): 【巡音ルカ】 Leia 【オリジナル】
- #57 (493,651): 【初音ミク】BadBye【オリジナル曲PV付き】
- #56 (499,654): 【鏡音リン】おひめさまになりたいのッ!【オリジナル曲】 (I Want to Become a Princess!)
- #55 (501,342): 【オリジナル曲】リンネ【初音ミク】 (Reincarnation)
- #54 (501,894): 【鏡音リン】メランコリック【オリジナルPV付】 (Melancholic)
- #53 (508,932): 【神威がくぽ・他】ヴェノマニア公の狂気【中世物語風オリジナル】 (Madness of Duke Venomania)
- #52 (518,195): 巡音ルカ「ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー」【オリジナル曲】 (Luka Luka★Night Fever)
- #51 (527,412): 【初音ミク】ドミノ倒シ【オリジナル曲PV付】 (Knocking Down Dominos)
- #50 (528,354): 【オリジナル曲PV】 Christmas Morgue 【初音ミク】
- #49 (539,410): 『初音ミク』リスキーゲーム『オリジナルPV付』 (Risky Game)
- #48 (546,561): 【初音ミクAppend】 心拍数♯0822 【オリジナル曲】 (Puse Rate)
- #47 (555,186): 【GUMI(40㍍)】 キリトリセン 【オリジナル】 (Cut Along Line)
- #46 (555,694): 初音ミクがオリジナルを歌ってくれたよ「ブラック★ロックシューター」 (Black★Rock Shooter)
- #45 (556,632): 【初音ミク】神曲【オリジナル・PV付き】 (Godly Song)
- #44 (559,378): 【初音ミク】 ショットガン・ラヴァーズ 【のぼる↑・オリジナル】 (Shotgun Lovers)
- #43 (559,896): [初音ミク] 二息歩行 [オリジナル曲] (Bipedalism)
- #42 (561,196): 【初音ミク】 まるくなる 【オリジナル曲PV付き】 (Becoming Round)
- #41 (578,116): 【初音ミク】 腐れ外道とチョコレゐト 【オリジナル】 (Kusare Gedou and Chocolate)
These were #70 to #41! As expected, there’s a lot of diversity of expression here too. It has become standard practice to put efforts into providing a good PV along with music. Appealing to both the eyes and the ears of the viewers is what video hosting sites are about after all.
But good videos shouldn’t be taken for granted. Music producers often collaborate with illustrators and video makers to create the final product. Now, it’s hard to know how these different creators meet and work together if you merely watch their videos on the internet… But that’s precisely what Part 2 is about: a special project where you get to take a peek behind the curtain. Fans and listeners might want to watch it!
What kind of special project awaits you…? Just stay tuned!
Part 3:
Naho’s Opening Statement:
Welcome to the five+1 part SP6! Thank you for having watched the Special Project! We’ll now resume the ranking.
But before that, it’s time for one of our regular segments, the “Kiriban!! Channel”! What is it? It’s the segment where we pick up songs that reached special positions, like 200 and 300. Those whose songs will be featured are very lucky! Of course, “Kiriban!!” is full of addictive videos too. I wonder which ones will be featured?
But before watching it, let’s see how many videos entered the SP6. How many more entered in half a year?
6868 videos! There are more than 1000 new videos! But these are just the ones that entered the Weekly Ranking; dozens of videos are being uploaded every day to NicoNicoDouga.
Well then, sorry for the wait. Let’s first see the kiriban between #200 and #1000. Of course, there are also lucky numbers, so stay tuned! “Kiriban!! Channel” start! Let’s! GO! GO! KIRIBAN!
Song status: Old, New.
Kiriban #200 to #1000
- #200 (191,734): 【初音ミク】君が好き【至高のバラードⅢ】
- #300 (127,834): 【初音ミク】 potato-head in wonderland 【オリジナル】
- #400 (102,617): 【初音ミク】般若心経アニメ版OP【アレンジ】
- #500 (80,426): 【デュラララ!!】池袋ラバーズ【替え歌カバー】大百科
- #600 (64,296): 鏡音レン●亡國覚醒カタルシス
- #700 (52,615): あなたの歌姫/初音ミク_fullver.
- #777 (45,832): 【初音ミク】 「普通」の街〜フェアリーランド〜【ゆっけのオリジナル】
- #800 (44,169): 【初音ミク】般若心経 エレクトロック【アレンジ】
- #900 (37,826): 【メグッポイド with がくぽ】テレパシー【オリジナル】
- #1000 (32,988): Chaining Intention [Re:form mix] 【初音ミクオリジナル】
These were the kiriban up until #1000. Well now see the kiriban from #1500 to #6500. And of course, there’s also the “special” lucky number! Time to get fired up!
Kiriban #1500 to #6500
- #1500 (19,757): 【ミク&カイト】ぼかぼか♪れでぃお第11回【くじけずに喋ったよ】
- #2000 (13,354): 【予告編】Alice in Musicland【VOCALOIDミュージカル】
- #2500 (9,202): 【巡音ルカ】///unknown///【オリジナル】大百科
- #2525 (9,053): 鏡音レン●愛が止まらない -Turn It Into Love-大百科
- #3000 (6,316): 【初音ミク】Ski Skii【巡音ルカ】(オリジナル曲)
- #3500 (4,345): はちゅねを数えて/初音ミク(vivid)
- #3939 (3,273): 【KAITO】ぴこまりんご飴☆【替え歌】
- #4000 (3,111): 【鏡音レン】 オリジナル曲『wing』
- #4500 (2,160): 【鏡音レン】 Deja vu ~いつか見た場所~ 【オリジナル曲】
- #5000 (1,490): 【巡音ルカ】×【初音ミク】の「クリスタルナハト」【オリジナル曲】
- #5500 (1,025): 鏡音さんたちに歌っていただいた 「ため息」(柴田淳)
- #6000 (596): 朝焼け
- #6500 (295): 【初音ミク】砂上の足跡【オリジナル】
That was the “Kiriban!! Channel”. We’re finally entering the final stages of this battle, with #40 to #11! There’s only elite songs here, a lot of which made it into #1 on the Weekly VocaRan. I’m so excited!
Main Ranking #40 to #11
- #40 (597,883): 「卑怯戦隊うろたんだー」をKAITO,MEIKO,初音ミクにry【オリジナル】修正版
- #39 (600,898): 「キャットフード」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク
- #38 (617,701): 【初音ミク】トップシークレット【オリジナル曲PV付】
- #37 (619,284): 初音ミク が オリジナル曲を歌ってくれたよ「ワールドイズマイン」
- #36 (622,494): 【VY1オリジナル】HAKUMEI fullver.【日本鬼子イメージソング】
- #35 (626,353): 【ボカロおしゃべり】リリィがこんな性格だったら俺だけが萌える。
- #34 (630,670): 【初音ミクDark】 crack 【オリジナル】
- #33 (640,931): 【初音ミクオリジナル曲】*ハロー、プラネット。【ドットPV付き】
- #32 (649,784): 【初音ミク】 え?あぁ、そう。 【オリジナル曲】
- #31 (669,956): 【GUMI】 ロゼッタ 【オリジナルPV】
- #30 (675,128): 【初音ミク(40㍍)】 妄想スケッチ 【オリジナル曲PV】
- #29 (685,311): 【巡音ルカ】ダブルラリアット【オリジナル】
- #28 (685,733): 「ロミオとシンデレラ」 オリジナル曲 vo.初音ミク
- #27 (722,653): 【鏡音レン】パラジクロロベンゼン【破壊系洗脳ソング】
- #26 (724,527): 初音ミク(Θ)どういうことなの!?
- #25 (726,492): 【オリジナル曲PV】結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸【初音ミク】
- #24 (732,740): 初音ミクアレンジ「般若心経ロック」
- #23 (744,007): 【GUMI】十面相【オリジナル曲PV付き】大百科
- #22 (746,593): 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「裏表ラバーズ」
- #21 (763,697): 【初音ミク】 秘密警察 【オリジナル】
- #20 (771,953): 【初音ミク】みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】
- #19 (791,563): イッシュのポケモン 言えるのか!
- #18 (806,013): 初音ミク が オリジナル曲を歌ってくれたよ「メルト」
- #17 (824,491): 【初音ミク(1640㍍)】 タイムマシン 【オリジナル】
- #16 (826,962): 初音ミク オリジナル曲 「ローリンガール」
- #15 (841,051): 初音ミクオリジナル曲 「初音ミクの消失(LONG VERSION)」
- #14 (863,082): 【GUMI】ポーカーフェイス【オリジナル曲PV付】
- #13 (1,005,157): 初音ミクオリジナル曲 「Calc.」
- #12 (1,039,630): 【初音ミク】ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール【ボトラー】
- #11 (1,054,467): 【初音ミク】Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!【オリジナループ】
These were #40 to #11! Thanks to #24, “Hannya Shingyou Rock”, a lot of people became monks last year throughout Japan. This kind of sudden boom can only happen on the Internet…
Also, another highlight was “Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru”. So far, it always made it into the top 10 in the Specials, but this time it fell back to #20. There’s really a new Vocaloid generation.
Well then, it’s time to jump to Part 4, with the top 10. Keeping in mind the new generation, I wonder what videos have entered the ranking? Part 4, let’s go!
I wonder if Unhappy Refrain is included. XD
I expect Matryoshka, Panda Hero and Mozaik Role to be way up there this time.
Thanks for sharing~
Nope, the ranking only count songs released until march….
Man, then we know which song's gonna hit the top next special…
SP6 already? Well, time to add to the list of songs I was ment to listen to after SP5.
If you pull the pigtails, you will hear the sound of the future
Hahaha, that crack me up XD.
Actually, seeing as the article brings it up, how does the scoring system for the Vocaran work anyway? I know it was changed at the start of the year, and I know it's different for specials like this one, but nowhere have I actually been able to find out how the points system works. I know it has the points in the actual video… is there some indication in the ranking video itself of how it was scored? I don't know how everyone seems to know these things, but then again, I don't speak/read Japanese or know many informative English sites other than this one. Soo… yeah. 😛 How does it work?
The points calculation system of the VocaRan is quite complicated; it takes into account the number of views, mylists and comments (including the ratio of mylists per views)… Maybe one day I'll translate the rules in a VocaRan article.
So far I haven’t seen Rollin’ Girl, Ura-Omote Lovers or WED.
They’re still on the top 10 then… wowaka should really feel proud.
Wasn’t there some parts about the 16th VOC@LOiD M@STER and Vocafes?
Thanks so much for translating, kurisuto! It would be great if you could translate the interviews with the artists in part 2 as well!
You're welcome! I do plan on translating it, it's just that it will probably take a long time (it's about 40min of non-stop talk you see ^^;).
Rolling Girl was only #16? Wow, that's a shock, considering it made 4th last time…
I used to spam that song SO MUCH a year or two ago. Ha man, I wondered where it went… -Fails to remember saving songs I like all the time.-