Weekly UTAU Ranking #132 & #133 – Double-Sized Issue
Defoko is not pleased with Buns’ lateness! Well, real life happens. I HAD planned to try and work on this article while out of town at the Animazement convention, but I went and left my laptop behind, thus losing all internet access for four days. Because of this I’m throwing last week’s and this week’s UTARans into a single article (double the pleasure?). Read on for both rankings!
☆UTAURan #132☆
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!
The schedule for the “Uta Utane (Defoko) Official Illustration Contest” was a bit undecided for some time, but the votes have started since last week! It’s possible to cast one vote per day, so you can vote every day until the end of the voting period! Here’s the official page: Uta Utane (Defoko) Official Illustration Contest. You can vote until May 30th.
Well then, let’s see the ranking!
-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translators: kurisuto, rebecca
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【桃音モモ】モモネモモ【オリジナル】
I’m trying to find out WHY I don’t have this on my Sansa??☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【初音ミク・雪歌ユフ】螺旋階段【オリジナル】 (!!)
Uhhhh, soooooo good~- #19: 【UTAU+MMD】雪歌ユフと揺歌サユで『マトリョシカ』 (!!)
It’s fresh to hear this song with such soft voices.- #18: 【地味音オトセオリジナル】アドバーシティ【ピコピコンピ】 (!!)
Very nice.- #17: 【天羽ソラ】発声練習(こいのぼり)【UTAU】 (↓9)
<no comment>- #16: 【根音ネネ】あいず【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Very haunting.- #15: 【スイッチになれるキーボード】ラブアトミック・トランスファー (↓12)
<no comment>- #14: 【MMD+UTAU】LOL-lots-of-laugh-【天羽ソラ+春歌ナナ+鏡音リン】 (!!)
This looks amazing.- #13: 【PORTAL】Still_Aliveをジャパン語で歌う【デフォ子】 (↓3)
Still love it.- #12: 【重音テト】COSMIC GIRLie【鏡音リン】 (!!)
Not only do I love the song, but that illustration is to die for.- #11: 【天羽ソラ】ソらノオト【UTAUオリジナル】 (!!)
The music is great.☆THIS WEEK’S PICKUPS
- #21: 【ちゃむネネユフ】BAREFOOT DANCER(short ver.)【オリジナル曲/PV】
Too adorable!- #31: 【コトリ・鳥組】歌に翼 ~Singing hand in hand~【UTAUオリジナル】
This sounds so sad, but amazing tuning work.- #32: 【オリジナル】 ポニテらぶ 【今音ムイ】
LOVE IT. LOVE IT.- #40: 【重音テト】TETOction(DELTA)
This producer has jumped up there on my list of MUST LOVE.- #43: 【悠音トト】 フェイルクライマー 【オリジナル曲】
A little too high-pitched I think, but not bad.- #50: 【UTAUオリジナル】星の糸くず【水月レナ】
Same as above.- #53: 【重音テト】カプチーノ【オリジナル】
The image is too cute.- #54: 【欲音ルコ・ルーク】RosyBond【オリジナル】
Very well done!- #87: 帽子にも声つけてみた (NEW VB)
The voice is nice, but what in the world?- OUT OF RANKING: 鼓動
Sounds amazing.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: 【欲音ルコ♀・ルーク】TRAIN:1800【オリジナル】 (!!)
The world needs more Ruko.- #9: ユメクイが見せた夢/雪歌ユフ (!!)
More Yufu+Miku. They really work well with each other.- #8: 【スイッチになれるキーボード】銀さんで?バイビーベイビーサヨウナラ (↓7)
<no comment>- #7: 【重音テト】in my Room【重音テトオリジナル・黒虎P襲名記念】 (↑8)
Bump for a good song!- #6: 【重音テト】アンハッピーリフレイン【カバー】 (!!)
Good cover.- #5: 【戦国BASARA】いい吉継まみれ一人祭り動画【UTAU】 (!!)
Another good cover.- #4: 【天羽ソラ】ウタウソラ【UTAUオリジナル】 (→4)
- #5: ショートムービー「モモさんのお誕生会」(UTAUxMMD)
Kind of cute, kind of not?- #4: 【MMD】STちゃんねる(STマンwithテト&デフォ子)
<no comment>- #3: 【HANASU】盛夏HANASU祭り2011【告知動画】
<no comment>- #2: 31サイが31ニン(ななみモデル)
This shouldn’t be as entertaining as it is.- #1: ショートムービー「モモさんのお誕生会」(UTAUxMMD)
I always dawww on these.☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #80)
- H5: 【MikuMikuDance】デフォ子とルナでペッパー警部【温故知新】 – Love old songs like this.
- H4: 【ルーク・重音テッド】magnet【UTAUカバー】 – LOL.
- H3: 重音テトオリジナル曲「帰れない道」 – <no comment>
- H2: 【APヘタリア】わびさび✿月夜フィーバー【歌わせてみた】 – <no comment>
- H1: 【重音テト連続音】 鎖の少女 【UTAUカバー+PV】 – Still amazing.
- #3: 【エルシャダイ】ルシフェルにアンハッピーリフレインを歌ってもらった (!!)
Saw it coming. Not too bad.- #2: 【MMD】UTAUねんどろsで『コトバトラボラト』 (!!)
*nosebleed*- #1: 【戦国BASARA】特殊な性癖を持つBASARALOID変態王子 耐久弐回戦 【UTAU】 (!!)
This also sounds very good.
- ED: 【雪歌ユフ/ていら】愛はツートンカラー【オリジナル曲/PV】
Another excellent Yufu song~
The number 1 was “Tokushu na Seiheki wo Motsu BASARALOID Hentai Ouji Taikyuu San-Kaisen” (“The Third Long Battle of BASARALOID, the Pervert Prince Who Has a Special Ability”) a collaboration song featuring BASARALOID. Congratulations! A lot of people have worked on it, it’s really fun. I love these kind of collabs.
To conclude this ranking, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week!
FINAL THOUGHTS: An excellent week of great songs! Number one is uhhhhhhhhh awesome.
☆UTAURan #133☆
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!
I think many of you are already aware of this, but UTAU’s creator, Ameya, recently made an announcement. For now, it’s only available as a trial version, but there’s finally a Mac version of UTAU! I’m looking forward to what will happen next!
In other news, the second edition of EleUta! has been aired. This time too there were UTAU songs, and the voice provider of Kasane Teto was present as a guest. I was really surprised! The next EleUta will be fun!
Well then, let’s see the ranking!
-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translators: kurisuto, rebecca
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【欲音ルコ&ルーク】コクサンイーバ【オリジナル曲】
Oh, I love this one!☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【UTAU】 百 ~唄~ 【桃音モモ】 (!!)
Love the vibe.- #19: 【月代はくぽ・和音マコ】僕らの基準【オリジナル】 (!!)
Great blending of the voices.- #18: 【月代はくぽ・波音リツ】 MONOCHROME+UNISON 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Completely in love with the video.- #17: 【桃音モモ】Starboard of The Stars – Cruisin’ The Star Ocean – 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Perfect Momo!- #16: 【月代はくぽ・唄音ウタ】Glasswork Lovers【オリジナル】 (!!)
So many good slower songs this week.- #15: 【月代はくぽ・雪歌ユフ】星空【オリジナル】 (!!)
Ahh, but the faster songs won’t be out-done!- #14: 【UTAU+MMD】重音テトとデフォ子で『ZIGG-ZAGG』 (!!)
Love it.- #13: 【穂歌ソラ・KAITO】-追想の彼方に-【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Both work really well together.- #12: 【ウタマス3】『ピコピコンピ!』クロスフェード【UTAU】 (!!)
I’d love to have this album.- #11: 月代はくぽと悠歌ゆらぎのための「居眠りスーパーマンは飛べない」 (!!)
- #25: 【重音テト】本日ハ青天ノ霹靂ナリ【オリジナル曲】
A good Teto rock song.- #28: 【UTAU三人娘】ゆうやけマジックスコア【オリジナル曲】
Wow, I love it!- #37: チビモモがピコピコ「フワフワ・クラリ」
I like how the image fits the style of the song.- #38: 【月代はくぽ&ぽいよ・ミコ・ネネ】 Ignition Party 【オリジナル】
LOVE the illustration!!- #55: 【UTAUオリジナル】縛天求道【音魂屋・楓歌コト】
Not 100% with all of these UTAloids, but they sound great.- #74: ラインマーカーズ
I can’t help but love simple songs like this.- #87: 【天音ルナ】ウェイバーホイッスル【UTAUオリジナル】
Uhhh, the haunting effect is brilliant.- #89: 【和音マコ】雨のリズム【オリジナル】
Dawwww.- OUT OF RANKING: いまはまだ踊らない。-Drawing-
I hope this gets a good bump next week.- OUT OF RANKING: あしあと
An excellent example of Momo’s voice.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 2
- #10: 【戦国BASARA】特殊な性癖を持つBASARALOID変態王子 耐久弐回戦 【UTAU】 (↓1)
<no comment>- #9: 【モモ誕2011】てくてく【桃音モモオリジナル】 (!!)
Too, too cute.- #8: 【マトリョシカx日常】マトリョシャケ【シャケMAD】 (!!)
I’m actually a bit fond of how this sounds.- #7: 【UTAU】Cooking by the book【カバー】 (!!)
It should be illegal to be this cute.- #6: 【UTAU】 せなかヲミタコトナイケレド 【オリジナル】 (!!)
This video is amazing.- #5: 【月代はくぽ・空音ラナ】あなたを奏でる日まで。【オリジナル】 (!!)
Great style.- #4: 【月代はくぽ・桃音モモ】 ^ω^ 【オリジナル】 (!!)
- #5: 【HANASU】日常会話その1【姫狐さん家】
<no comment>- #4: 【BASARALOID】日輪と弦月でBad Apple!!【MMD戦国BASARA】
<no comment>- #3: ショートムービー「モモさんのお誕生会」(UTAUxMMD)
<no comment>- #2: 【桃音モモ】サヨナラの瞬き【MMD-PV】
Nicely done.- #1: 【オリジナル】P.a.r.a.l.y.z.e.【猫村いろは】
Even though Iroha is used more, the voices blend nicely.☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #81)
- H5: 【UTAU】オオカミガール【春歌ナナ】 – Personally, I LOVE Nana’s voice~
- H4: 【重音テト連続音】 鎖の少女 【UTAUカバー+PV】 – <no comment>
- H3: 【MMD】UTAU三人娘に「Dream Fighter」を歌って踊ってもらった 《調整版》 – <no comment>
- H2: 2作目できました。 「セツナ」【重音テトオリジナル】大百科 – I remember loving this PV.
- H1: モモリンミクルカオリジナル曲「フワフワ・クラリ」 – Still amazing.
- #3: 【桃音モモ誕生祭】Packaged【MikuMikuDance】 (!!)
This is just…. perfect.- #2: 【桃音モモ】こころつなげて(アニメOP風)【オリジナル】 (!!)
So many Momo’s!- #1: 【桃音モモ誕生祭】FlyHigh!【MMD-PV】【UTAU】 (!!)
I LOVE these models! *goes to download*
- ED: 【UTAU】ルララ【オリジナル曲】
Nice techno-ish song.
The number 1 was “Fly High”, a collab that was made on the occasion of Momone Momo’s birthday. Congratulations!
There were a lot of great videos for her birthday! Go check them if you haven’t done so yet!
To conclude this ranking, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week!
65’s Day (Ruko’s Day)
This year it’s the 3rd Ruko’s Day!
We’re organizing the 65’s Day Project: you can contribute illustrations on pixiv, as well as audio files on Ruko’s blog. The submission period for the audio files will soon be over, so make sure to check the blog! The audio files will be presented during a broadcast. Please follow the uploading rules and Ruko’s terms of use, and let’s have fun showing our love for Ruko!
Each week we’ll feature one reader’s video pick. If you’d like to see your pick here, please comment and list the video and why you like it; it can be any video, so long as there is UTAU involved!
For this week reader nyaa suggested Groy Anderson’s remix of “Golimar” with Suiga Sora. They say, “The faux-Indian lyrics, the ridiculous video… heck, everything’s FABULOUS.” You’re not kidding! XDD
FINAL THOUGHTS: Ahhh, so much Momo love! I love it! And besides Momo there were many other great new songs this week.
Again, I want to apologize for being so late, but Animazement is my biggest con and getting my new cosplay ready took a LOT of time, not to mention that after the con I had to go right back to work, plus I’ve been fighting a severe headache for several days. But what can you do, right? I would like to also say that Vocaloidism is ALWAYS looking for people to help around the blog (heavens knows I could use some!) so please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
So how do you make an UTAU? I’m getting back into vocaloid now. I left it because the fandom was getting on my nerves.
So how do you make an UTAULOID? Im getting back into vocaloid I left because the fandom got on my nerves.