Weekly UTAU Ranking #138 – Why is it so HOT?!
Its. Fricking. HOT. I can’t stand this extremely hot weather it makes its too difficult to do anything. I know I’d die without air conditioning. Oh, and the UTARan.
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!
It’s July, now it’s really Summer. Watch out for the Summer heat fatigue!
On another subject, it seems a lot of the PC magazines that got out at the end of last month as well as other ones that will be released in mid-July deal with UTAU. Thanks to the release of the Mac version of UTAU, a lot of Mac-related magazines talk about it. Until now, there were few vocal synthesis softwares available for Mac and users seldom had the chance to play around with such technologies, so it seems it has become a very popular topic. Check some of those magazines if you’re interested!
Well then, let’s see the ranking!
-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translators: kurisuto
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【波音リツ】 仮面と貴婦人 【オリジナル曲】
Ritsu being great as usual.☆WEEKLY RANKING PART 1
- #20: 【雪歌ユフ】 White Path 【UTAUオリジナル】 (↑58)
Great song to get a bump.- #19: 【こじゅっぽいど】竜の右目がUTAう「え?あぁ、そう。」【BASARALOID】 (!!)
Everytime I see one of these now a days I’m usually surprised by the fact that it sounds pretty good.- #18: 【健音テイ】 嫌悪感 【オリジナル】 (↓1)
<333- #17: 【UTAU】重音テトで「天ノ弱」【カバー】 (↓16)
<no comment>- #16: 【MMDモデル配布】Lat式改変毬音リモVer02 (!!)
One of these is not like the others~- #15: 【重音テト】サナトリウムの夏-Phantom Pain-【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Such a sad song.- #14: 【重音テト】きゅんっ!ヴァンパイヤガール【UST配布あり】 (!!)
Swing those hips Teto!- #13: 【UTAUオリジナル】水槽と恋【雪歌ユフ連続音】 (!!)
A little more upset that usual for Yufu, very nice.- #12: 【重音テト】メルト-Band Edition-【UTAUカバー】 (!!)
Great cover of a great song.- #11: 【UTAUオリジナル】近所の嘘【雪歌ユフ連続音で差し替え】 (↓3)
- #24: 【唄音ウタ】 呼応えない宇宙 【オリジナル】
Ohhhhh, I like this a lot.- #26: 【波音リツ】夢の花【オリジナル曲】
Nice and traditional feeling.- #34: 【松田っぽいよ】果てしない日々【UTAUオリジナル】
I like his voice.- #40: 【雪歌ユフ】平行線【オリジナル】
Far too adorable.- #58: 【七音幼子】七音幼子のための「春の海/舞」【UTAUオリジナル】
This sounds good, but I think the voice is kind of lost in the music.- #62: 【UTAUオリジナル】吐息【翔歌トリ+楓歌コト】
Koto-chan <3!- #67: 【重音テト・連続音】from_sickroom【オリジナル】
The video gives this song a nice creepy feeling.- #71: 【重音テト】 後輩の詩 【オリジナル曲】
Cute and slow Teto.- #87: 【UTAUオリジナル】ユートピア【和音マコ】
This is great! Why is it so low??- #92: 【Moll/NAMELESS/AME-6】SIXTH MONDAY【UTAUオリジナル曲】
- #10: 【波音リツ・櫻歌ミコ】VIPPALOIDでまどマギパロ【UTAU】 (!!)
I knew this was going to be at least top ten this week.- #9: 【初音ミク・歌造ツバメ】おはようじょ!【オリジナル曲】 (→9)
<no comment>- #8: 【MMD】ハッピーシンセサイザをミクとテトで歌って踊っt【720HD】 (↓7)
This still sounds and looks great.- #7: 【BASARALOID】ムンダラムンダ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!!皆でUTAってもらった (!!)
コ.- #6: 東雲なのの消失 (!!)
Not quite sure what this is….- #5: 【唄音ウタ】 きのうせかいがはじまったんだよ 【オリジナル】 (!!)
That underlining music is BEAUTIFUL.- #4: 【波音リツ】ススムリクと夢傘下【オリジナル曲 (!!)
Yeah for happy songs!☆COMMERCIAL
- 【15秒CM】 MMDフェス2011開催のお知らせ 【MMD】
MikuMikuDance Festival 2011 (Official blog).Held between July 15 and August 14.
Participation method: upload your video before August 14 and lock the tag “MMDfes2011”.
Rules: works featuring a song, a dance, or a musical performance that has a live concert feel (use of other peoples’ works is allowed).☆EXTRA RANKING
- #5: 【MMD】Electrical Parade – Remix – 【Lat式ミク・テト】
<no comment>- #4: エレうた!第03回 (11.06.25)
<no comment>- #3: 【AR-GT他】兵装ちゃっかり配布するよー2【OMFモデル配布】
I think Defoko wins.- #2: 【トークロイド】ボーカロイドたちの生活9『たったひとりのお姉ちゃん』
Yes, I am a shameless Rin/Len fan.- #1: 「組曲『ニコニコ動画』改」を歌ってみた*ななひら
Was that a rolling rock? Sure looked like it.☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #86)
- H5: 重音テト新音源『エクストラライブラリー』で歌ってもらったデモ – Don’t entirely remember this one, but I love that image.
- H4: 【MMD】Dream Fighter ~UTAU三人娘~【UTAU】 – Gold edition.
- H3: 板東英二も吹 っ 切 れ た っちゅうねんっ!【UTAU替え歌】 – *facepalm*
- H2: 【UTAU】Puppenspiel【テト・テッドオリジナル曲】 – Great Teto and Ted duet.
- H1: 【UTAU】時報女の声を抽出してみた(その1) – I’m sorry, but I actually enjoined this one.
- #3: Mirror’s Manner / カトリンコ featuring 重音テト×初音ミク (!!)
Another great Katrinko song~- #2: Google翻訳とGoogle translateに コネクト を歌っていただいた (!!)
Um, yeah, okay. ( ̄~ ̄;) It does sound good.- #1: 【UTAUカバー】銀河鉄道999【ゆっくり】 (!!)
Ohgeez, it’s these things…. *hides*
- ED: 根音ネネ/そらに歩く樹(UTAUオリジナル)
Ohwow, this is very very nice!
The number 1 was a Yukkuri cover of “Ginga Tetsudou 999” by Yosshiii. Congratulations!
It seems it’s the first UTAU work by Yosshiii, who’s known for his yukkuri jikkyou videos (TL: jikkyou play, literally “ play in real conditions”, is a type of videos popular on NND where the uploaders record their screens as they play games and comment on it, at times from the protagonist’s perspective, voicing the characters, etc.) Let’s keep an eye on his next moves!
To conclude this ranking, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week!
【実音とわの】とわの誕生祭2011 開催告知【7/20】
An announcement from the Towano Minorine community:
It’s time of the year, this season… we’ll do it this year too! Towano Minorine’s Birthday Party 2011!
Deadline: July 20.
Rules: Upload a video celebrating her birthday, and lock the tag “とわの誕生祭2011”.
Feel free to participate!
July 20 will also be the birthdays of Karasu Akabane, Umi Hiroi and Subaru Ginka. Let’s have fun and celebrate together!
Each week we’ll feature one reader’s video pick. If you’d like to see your pick here, please comment and list the video and why you like it; it can be any video, so long as there is UTAU involved!
For the weeks that we do not have a Reader’s Pick I will post a video from the UTARan SP 2011 list. This week is number 108, もはやHANASUをやってみようとした形跡すら残ってない uploaded by Ameya, showcasing upcoming updates to the UTAU software.
*fans herself off* Not even the night can save me from this heat and humidity. Oi!
Okay, enough about how much I hate this weather. Ths week I was completely surprised by the lack of new voicebanks; not a one made it on the countdown. o.o Just seems a little odd to me. Besides that we had some great songs hold onto some sort of spot and lots of new ones (I think you kind of have to ignore this week’s number one, but hey, you know what they say – “Yukkuri shiteitte ne!”
its true T_T WHY IS IT SO HOT?! Its like so hot here in the rainiest part of the UK. SO HOT TO HOT WAAAAAYY TO WARM >o<
I'm stuck listening to #7… ;v;
it is in bahrain so snow country stop Whining