Weekly UTARan #140
For now on we will be including the video after the article break; this is to help reduce load time on the blog front page. Thus, let’s continue on to this week’s UTARan!
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!
It’s mid-July! It’s almost the Summer break for you students! Everyone, are you planning on going somewhere for your vacation?
This Summer will probably be very hot because of the brownouts. Everyone, watch out for heat fatigue and heatstroke!
Well then, let’s see the ranking!
-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translator: kurisuto
-Song Status: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【UTAU】オリジナル曲-ギャップ【轟栄一】
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- #20: 【UTAU】ぴんぽんだっしゅ!【春歌ナナ連続音】 (↓3)
<no comment> - #19: 【歪音エナ】本格的♂Bad Apple!!【UTAU】 (!!)
<no comment> - #18: 【重音テト】 バブル -second adventure- 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
<no comment> - #17: 【欲音ルコ×波音リツ】サンドリヨン(Cendrillon)【UTAUカバー】 (!!)
<no comment> - #16: 【春歌ナナ連続音】 たまには 【オリジナル】 (!!)
<no comment> - #15: 【MMD戦国BASARA+UTAU】ぎょぶぎょぶにしてやんよ! (!!)
<no comment> - #14: 【MMD】放射・筒・玉・柱・階段【モデルデータ配布】 (!!)
<no comment> - #13: 【MMDモデル配布】ねんどろ風 翔歌トリ 某ED風 (!!)
Unnnnnn, TOO CUTE. - #12: 【MMD+UTAU】ナナナナ★ロマンティックナイト【春歌ナナ】 (!!)
<no comment> - #11: 【雪歌ユフ】イチバン!【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Nice and catchy Yufu song.
- #21: 【雪歌ユフ】揚げ↑揚げ↑みそ☆しる【オリジナル曲】
Okay, you got me, I love it. - #22: 【重音テト】fallin’【オリジナル】
<no comment> - #24: 【雪歌ユフ】 キミとボク 【オリジナルBMS】
Looking like a good week for great Yufu songs. - #30: 【欲音ルコ】NIGHT【UTAUオリジナル曲】
Completely in love with the illustration. - #33: 【重音テッド・ルーク】連鎖【オリジナル】
<no comment> - #38: (重音テト)Go West(オリジナル)
<no comment> - #40: 【UTAU/デフォ子】繋ぐ光【オリジナル】
GREAT VIDEO. - #44: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】Breaking Point【気球音アイコ (+アキオ)】
Kikyuune Aiko and Akio uh? Rather great English here. - #83: 【松田っぽいよ・揺歌サユ】はぐれ蛍【オリジナル】
<no comment> - #89: 【小春音アミ】耳のあるロボットの唄【UTAU音源配布】 (NEW VB)
Cute voice.
- #10: 大天使に深海少女を歌ってもらってみた (!!)
<no comment> - #9: 絵本の中じゃ物足りないっ!/春歌ナナ(連続音) (↓5)
Nana’s VB update is amazing, I’m in total love. - #8: 【櫻井歌音】桜前線異常ナシ【UTAUカバー】 (!!)
<no comment> - #7: [健音テイ]弔花の少女[オリジナルPV] (!!)
TEITEITEITEI. Version three beta of her VB is out and it is amazing. - #6: 【戦国BASARA】バイビーモザイクベイビーyouサヨウナラ【UTAU】 (!!)
<no comment> - #5: 【重音テト】EnToutCas【オリジナル曲・PV】 (!!)
<no comment> - #4: 【UTAU】WAVEFILE【春歌ナナ連続音】 (↓2)
I can’t stop looping this cover!!
- #5: 【MMDモデル配布】白鐘ヒヨリでコトバトラボラト【MMD+UTAU】
<no comment> - #4: 【MMD】紅い月
Hawt. - #3: 【MMD】Lat式ミク・リン・テト ねこみみスイッチ
<no comment> - #2: 「キミとのキョリ」 デスおはぎ feat.小山乃舞世
<no comment> - #1: 春歌ナナが『ルイズぅぅうううわぁあああああん』をHANASU
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THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #88)
- #5: 【7/6】「ワールドイズ甲鱗」【MTG替え歌】
<no comment> - #4: 【健音テイ】13km【FULL】
♥♥♥ - #3: 【初音ミク重音テト】 歯車世界と暴れ色ギター 【オリジナル】
<no comment> - #2: 【白滝イト】 #ffffff 【UTAUオリジナル】
UTSU-P ♥♥~! - #1: 【重音テト】 禁断の理は絶望の吐息の中に 【PV付オリジナル】
This is a great song and PV.
- #3: 【MMD】アイスコーヒーを配布します (!!)
Um, okay? - #2: 【春歌ナナ】ロリータマグナム777R (!!)
I need a translation to fully get this, but it sounds and looks amazing. - #1: 【アイマス×FF6】アイマスファンタジーⅥ:アンリミテッド 13話後編 (!!)
This video is fourteen minutes long and plays out an opera about “Final Fantasy VI” with UTAU. It’s actually quite stunning.
- ED: 【実音とわの連続音】Verdurous Days【UTAUオリジナル曲】
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The number 1 was a reproduction of the famous opera scene from Final Fantasy VI, a collaboration work made by Idol Master P’s. Congratulations!
It’s the climax of the opera scene where the princess longs for the prince of another country; thanks to AshisuP’s UTAU tuning for the song, it was really a great moment!
To conclude this ranking, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week!
Each week we’ll feature one reader’s video pick. If you’d like to see your pick here, please comment and list the video and why you like it; it can be any video, so long as there is UTAU involved!
This week’s pick comes from reader Nicolai P. He states, “This time I didn’t find a lot of good works, but 2 songs are great it was 【波音リツ】鴉【UTAUオリジナル】 and 【天羽ソラ】BREEZE【カバー】【MMD】. I really recommend them, Breeze have such a nice MMD video and Ritsu is great like most of his songs.”
I great week for Nana and Yufu fans. I’m also extremely happy Tei’s beta song made the top ten; I can’t recommend it enough.
Along with the placement change of the video we also changed the layout of both the VocaRan and UTARan to better fit the new blog layout; let us know what you think.
Kikyuune Aiko and Akio actually are using their English bank so…this isn't too surprising. XD Though congrats to Myst for getting her original up there!