Weekly UTAU Ranking #141

Image source: 由杞
Image source: 由杞

I was out of town this weekend, randomly went to see the last “Harry Potter” movie (not bad) and had some life-saving chai. Now I’m back making sure you all get your weekly dose of UTAU.


Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!

Students have already entered Summer break! And since it’s summer break, some UTAU-related events are already being held. One of them, the live taping of “‘EleUta!’ Right on, Momo! Summer selection”, took place on July 24, in Akihabara. It seems some UTAU songs were played during it. But the actual show will be broadcast on August 16. Chances are only some of those songs will be played during the broadcast, but still, I hope you’ll listen to it!

Well then, let’s see the ranking!


-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translator: kurisuto
-Song Status: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)





THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #89)



The number 1 was “Cinderella Rule” by Simesaba Twisters, featuring Teto Kasane. Congratulations!

Teto was really cute in it! So, how could you complete Teto’s route?

To conclude this ranking, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week!


Each week we’ll feature one reader’s video pick. If you’d like to see your pick here, please comment and list the video and why you like it; it can be any video, so long as there is UTAU involved!

For the weeks that we do not have a Reader’s Pick I will post a video from the UTARan SP 2011 list. This week is number 110, 【こじゅっぽいど+α】菩提樹とかいろいろUTAってもらった【特大号】, a thirteen minute BASARALOID video by Haku.


Large amount of covers this week, but there’s also some great originals to check out.

So how are you guys doing with this slightly changed Ranking layout? Good I hope! Remember, if you have any comments at all, do feel free to share them w/ us, I swear we don’t bite.

About: bunnychan

6 thoughts on “Weekly UTAU Ranking #141”

  1. Heheheh, weekty.

    17: congrats lelangir!

    15: Innnnnnnteresting…

    12: I’m surprised this didn’t happen sooner.


    23: Ohhhh man this is awesome. I love this Yufu.

    31/36: Whoa, showing the Towano love! Finally.

    47: There’s something about this voice I don’t like.

    60: Typical Nene fare, not that that’s a bad thing.

    69: Man, Ruko must be a bitch to tune properly. The inst is great, but I can’t make out the words at parts.

    New VB: interesting song, voice is meh.

    8: Ah, tom_atom, I wondered where you went!

    5/4: Bikkuri! These are impressive!

    Extra 5: My ears! Gah, make it stop!

    History 3: Oh this song is so amazing.

    3: Eh, it’s a cover. Voice and/or tuning is shaky.

    2: Nakano-saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

    1: Simesaba Twisters is great, but the Teto tuning could be a little less… squeaky? Not sure how to articulate it. (By the way, it’s “simesaba”.)

    Overall, good week! Lots of good songs. Here, have a rec: I don’t know if it’ll pop up on the ranking since I don’t know how the rules work for remixes, but this is an awesome remix of the latest awesome nakano4 song by (kari)P. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15088633

  2. Uh…can any of you guys please help me with the romanizations of 鳥音リグ, 珠之歌キオ, 糖音シユ, 電子レンジ, and 歪音エナ? My kanji skills suck and the internet is failing me! ;A; I’m kind of new to UTAU, so I don’t really know these guys yet…

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