Weekly UTAU Ranking #144
I’m just NOW getting to look at WonFest posts; yes, that’s how busy I’ve been. Oh, how I miss the days of summer when it was an actual break. Let me tell you, enjoy it while you can! And while you’re enjoying it, why not add a little UTAU into the mix?
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!
The Obon break was last week. I think most of you were in vacation. For those of you who were, did you go somewhere? For those who were working, try to take some rest!
Now that Obon has passed, it’s already mid-August, and the heat peak is over. It will probably get colder soon; hopefully we’ll get back to better conditions!
Well then, let’s see the ranking!
-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translator: kurisuto
-Song Status: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 【波音リツ】 ボクノコト 【オリジナル】
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- #20: 【バニっぽいど】歌い直し3曲とおまけ2曲の詰め合わせ【虎徹っぽいど】 (!!)
<no comment> - #19: 菅直人に ヒャダインのカカカタ☆カタオモイ-C を歌っていただいた (!!)
<no comment> - #18: 【重音テト】チョコレート姫の憂鬱【オリジナル】 (!!)
<no comment> - #17: 【型破ルト×猫詩るる】嗚呼、素晴らしきニャン生【UTAUカバー】 (!!)
Nyannyan~ - #16: 【UTAU】少女探偵 D・ED 第二形態・ドラゴンウイング【テトオリジナル曲】 (!!)
Nice MMD work. - #15: ゆっくりに1000の言葉を歌ってもらいました [FF10-2] (!!)
Ohwow, I haven’t heard this song in forever! Nice Yukkuri. - #14: ロミオとシンデレラをバニーちゃんに歌ってもらいました (!!)
<no comment> - #13: 【雪歌ユフ】流れ -flusso-【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
<no comment> - #12: 【MMD】戯歌ラカン (ぎが らかん) バーニングナイトでモデル配布 (!!)
<no comment> - #11: 【TIGER&BUNNY】こっち向いておじさんとか歌ってもらった【虎徹っぽいど】 (!!)
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- #23: 【UTAU音源配布】Runner’s high【焔音レイ】 (NEW VB)
An older female voice. Not bad. - #26: 【重音テト・雪歌ユフ】 role 【オリジナル曲】
<no comment> - #27: 【デフォ子】サウンド【オリジナル曲】
This is oddly catchy. - #39: 【今音ムイ】 曖昧予報 【オリジナル曲】
Dawww, too cute! - #40: 【重音テト】 M 【オリジナル曲】
Great tuning. - #43: 雪歌ユフ 「いちばんぼし」 オリジナル曲
<no comment> - #44: 【珠之歌キオ/波音リツ】犯罪特区【オリジナル】
Ohhhh, love it! Get a bump please! - #68: (重音テト)北の国の踊り(オリジナル)
<no comment> - #71: 【業音アラ】希望【UTAU獣人オリジナル】
<no comment> - #86: 【筑紫野スイム・露音ロト】反逆のマリオネット【UTAUオリジナル曲】
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- #10: ゆっくりさんにコブラを歌わせてみた (!!)
<no comment> - #9: 【ユフ、テト、リツ、ルコ】とある初夏の日とボクの妹【オリジナル】 (↑14)
<no comment> - #8: [UTAU]恋するミュータント[水音ラル14音階連続音] (!!)
This is fun to listen to. - #7: 【UTAU調声・環境晒し】BLOOD QUEEN【波音リツ強連続音源】 (→7)
Yeh for holding strong~ - #6: Applepie kiss/櫻歌ミコ (!!)
<no comment> - #5: 【重音テト】 歪ム【シカイ】 【オリジナル】 (!!)
Digging the heavy bits of this. - #4: 【高中經典文化教材】BAD FISHERMAN【Bad Apple】 (↓3)
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TOPIC: 7th MMD Cup Previews
These videos are UTAU-related works competing in the 7th MMD Cup preliminary round. This week, we’ll see the 5 videos that got the most points out of the ones that weren’t presented last week.
- #5: 【第7回MMD杯予選】ファウストっぽいど
Tei-chan! - #4: 【第7回MMD杯予選】【初音ミク】 ねこみみスイッチ 【重音テト】.mp4
<no comment> - #3: 【第7回MMD杯予選】桃音モモ-なつのみぞれ-【MMD-PV風】
<no comment> - #2: 【第7回MMD杯予選】すらだん!【遅刻】
<no comment> - #1: 【第7回MMD杯予選】【UTAU7人編成】スナックUTAU!
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- #5: 【紙芝居】スーパー水着大戦【UTAU三人娘】
Hmmm, robotic Defoko. Yummy. - #4: 【MMD】きゅんきゅんメイドのテトテト☆ファイアーエンドレスナイト
<no comment> - #3: 【MMD】マグノリア★オサレ動画【モデルデータ配布】
<no comment> - #2: UTAU三人娘でシステム音を作ってみた
<no comment> - #1: 【トークロイド】ボーカロイドたちの生活10『はじめてのおつかい』
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THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #92)
- #5: 【雪歌ユフ】baby light【オリジナル】
This is an excellent song. - #4: 【雪歌ユフ】CRAWL : PP’s Quiet dub Mix【カバーRemix】
Also an amazing song. - #3: ゆっくりに本気で『ブラック★ロックシューター』を歌わせてみた
<no comment> - #2: 【重音テト連続音+初音ミク】モザイクロール【UTAUカバー】
<no comment> - #1: 白滝イト オリジナル曲「LIGHT MY FIRE」PV
Still adore this one.
- #3: ゆっくりしてIKE!PV (!!)
Interesting. - #2: 【テトさんすげぇ】重音テトでFREELY TOMORROW【カバー】(再UP) (!!)
Saw this coming a mile away. A good cover of a great song as done as only Teto can do it. - #1: 【重音テト初音ミク】 Purple innocent ! 【オリジナル】 (!!)
This is VERY well done. I will be very surprised if this doesn’t at least keep a top five spot next week.
- ED: 【オリジナル曲】ぐっすりパラダイス【重音テト】
I like this one a lot!
The number 1 was “Purple innocent!” by Shimesaba Twisters, featuring Kasane Teto and Hatsune Miku. Congratulations! The song and its PV is reminding of an anime opening, and Teto and Miku were really cute!
To conclude this ranking, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week!
Each week we’ll feature one reader’s video pick. If you’d like to see your pick here, please comment and list the video and why you like it; it can be any video, so long as there is UTAU involved!
For the weeks that we do not have a Reader’s Pick I will post a video from the UTARan SP 2011 list. This week is number 112, “Wabi Sabi✿Tsukiyo Fever” by 右京 featuring Niholoid. This is a parody of SAM’s famous “Luka Luka★Night Fever.”
This was almost a week of all new songs again, very close. I’m guessing the top three will stick around in the Ranking next week somewhere. I’d like to see more Tei, Ruko, and Koto myself; what about you, dear readers?
Kind of a disappointing week, tbh. Especially when you look at the ‘this week in history’. We had such a great top five. Now what do we have? Only number one is worth anything… though how Kipcin made his own instrumental out of a song that didn’t have one is pretty impressive. :O
Since I don’t have much to say, have a rec. It’s a Teto song from a while back by nanorita, “FuQK” (pronounced Fu-kyu-kei, it’s a pun). http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12928103