A Notification on Nyappon Invites

We have received reports of a large number of people asking for Nyappon invites. A statement has now been released by the Nyappon administrator with regards to this issue and the potential proliferation of sockpuppet accounts. We would like the community to take this as a word of warning.
The original statement can be found here, both in original Japanese and English translations. If you are unable to enter the link above for various reasons, the English translation has been reproduced below:
This is Nyappon administrator.
Thank you for your participation and contribution to this community. We would like to reconfirm the guideline about inviting new members to Nyappon. This announcement is open to public.We are engaged in supporting healthy communication between each member. Inasmuch as this purpose, we keep an invitation system and operate this site with keeping an eye on sockpuppets. For more details, please visit our previous announcements.
As you can see from the cases above, our taking this measure is not to discourage or shrink new members. The terms of use of Nyappon defines that this site provides general services to exchange information, introduce works, do creative activities, make collaborative works and communicate one another for those who are interested in Vocaloid and the Vocaloid-related culture; if your friend deserves this purpose, there is no restriction on his/her, a creator, listener, picture drawer, lyricist or cosplayer, joining this community regardless of his/her gender, age or nationality.
Invitees are just requested that they be Vocaloid lovers and that follow the terms of use of Nyappon; we will not set any other complicated rule.
On this basis, we would like to ask you, though we never mean to discourage you, to reaffirm those notices provided on the links above of inviting new members:
a. Random invitation to public in open sites should be avoided. Such action may cause unexpected troubles.
b. New members need proper Japanese skill to read announcements and guidelines written in Japanese.Please note these two points above. Our previous experience shows that your random invitation, even by good intention, may lead to unwanted troubles and as a result may annoy other members.
Thank you for your cooperation on this matter so that both newbies and senior members enjoy Nyappon in safety together from now on.
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