Vocalekt Visions’ EP Release and Debut at J-Pop Summit

Vocalekt Visions, a Western P unit, will have its debut at the J-Pop Summit as well as the release of their first EP, “Tuned in the West.” Read on for more info.
Vocalekt Visions is an electro/pop band primarily composed of Tempo-P, an American composer and lyricist, and NeutrinoP, a composer and mixing engineer from Romania. They decided to team up in 2011, and started working on their first song together, “Lemon Ice Bar” (which you can watch below), collaborating over the Internet. Other members are gravitating around Vocalekt Visions, occasionally giving a hand.
Their first EP, “Tuned in the West,” will be officially released on August 27. It will consist of four songs, three of which are featured in this crossfade demo. Links to their YouTube and Niconico Douga accounts (and more) can be found on their official site, so please check it out for more information.
August 27 also marks the opening day of the J-Pop Summit festival (you can view its programming schedule here). DJ Amaya will be playing some of Vocalekt Visions’ songs in front of an expected crowd of 60,000 people during the Miku Mix DJ Battle, along with ZANEEDS. Tempo-P will also be joining in a Vocaloid conference during the festival.
“Tuned in the West” is already available on Amazon at the price of $3.96 (or $0.99 for each song). The EP will also be sold in Californian Kinokuniya bookstores before the official release on the 27, the opening day of the festival (where you can buy the EP as well). Additionally, you will also be able to purchase a digital copy of the EP on Vocalekt Visions’ official site, as well as on iTunes. But this is not all, as a limited amount of free copies of the CDs will be handed out by the Vocalekt Vision team to those who will attend the DJ Battle, the Vocaloid conference, and the VIP afterparty, on a first-come-first-served basis.
The Western Vocaloid scene is still young and much less active than the Japanese one, but it’s starting to change! Western Ps are stepping up the place… The rest is up to you, the fans, to show your support and perhaps even join in yourselves.
I think you mean “stepping up to the plate”, not “stepping up to the plate”, haha…
Wow nevermind, I just reread it and you said “stepping up the place, not “stepping up to the place”.
And I said “plate” twice!
That sort of thing happens to me all the time (hence why I triple check posts).
I’m hearing too much Daniwell in Lemon Ice Bar.
I want to be a producer myself, but I dont know where or how to start.
1. Learn song writing
2. Buy a Vocaloid
3. Buy a music making software
4. ???
5. Profit!
It’s on their catalog but strangely not purchasable yet (the buy button is replaced by “not available”). Well I’ll buy it later on… I like it.
In any case great to see western Ps joining the bandwagon.
it will be from august 27 (I hope) thank you ^-^
We are sorry…
We could not process your order. The sale of MP3 Downloads
is currently available only to US customers located in the United
States. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.”
*FACEPALM* How could Amazon be as dumb as Apple on that ? Seriously …
So one very serious suggestion to the guys at Vocalekt Visions: Please flee this pile of crap that is Amazon and use CD Baby or Jamendo ….
it’s on CDBaby too ^-^ thank you
Weeeeee *going to CD Baby*
Chris, could you update your article with the link to CD Baby, besides I’m sure CDBaby gives more back to the artists than Amazon and should be always favored.
Here’s the link: https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/tempopandneutrinop
it not suite that things i want from songs but anyway its good, i can´t say its shit.. it only fits my liking not =)
J-Pop Festival 2011 was a great success for all Western Vocaloid fans! Thank you Vocaloidism for the support! You will be hearing more about Vocalekt Visions in the future as well!
– Tempo-P
It was nice to see you there Tempo-P! I was the person with the Kyubey shirt up in front during the conference, so I will make a summary article of the Conference and the whole event soon.
I so wish I would be able to come there too…. Looking forward for your article (please post a link or something for me, to have faster access to it) Thank you ^-^
I’ve listened to a number of Tempo’s songs thus far, and I wish there were enough words to describe all the things I find wrong with them. =/
More active participation from the western side is great, but I think sometimes people forget that the quality needs to be there, too. We shouldn’t just grab at anything we can get; we have the right as consumers to demand high quality works from the western side, just like people do from the JPN side. ESPECIALLY if we’re going to be paying for it.
But anyway, ZANEEDS is awesome. I bought their stuff when I was at AX, and I wish I could see them again.
hmmm… lots of bad things said and only few supportive comments.
I’m getting to the point: you want quality, they have quality. You want them to be pro, they are pro. But do you support them? Mostly not. I’m aware of their background and I can tell that I’m supporting them the best I can. And the best thing to do now is to invest in their album, in hope to hear more good songs from them in the future. They had the courage to stay in front of everybody, to be evaluated by the pro’s (Zaneeds had only positive feedback for them so far, and that is just one example). And how could not have positive feedback, when all the sounds were created by neutrino, a half paralyzed pianist and composer who do his best to record himself playing, and also the way he develops the vocaloid tuning without using extra programs to achieve what we hear. So, as I said, I’m supporting these two in hope that they will also continue to pursue to achieve the quality of a mainstream producer, they are having already what it takes in the ideas of good songs. Knowing that for them is just the beginning, we, the supporters and fans, are encouraging them to stay in front of us proud, because they have talent, skills and addiction for cuteness, which would remind us each time the good times of our life, and we will have always a smile on our faces listening to their songs….
Another random fan ….
Thank you for the support… althrough pointing out the obvious wasn’t so necessary LOL, but I appreciate your concern XDDDD
It’s a free world with free choices, some may like our songs, some may not (I’m actually not liking lots of professional productions, not giving names) but hey! nobody has to like everything, right?
Once again, thank you ^-^ I will try to do my best and improve my standards too, but also I will not forget about the most important thing: cuteness overload if it’s possible all the time hahaha
Thank you for the touching words. We strive to break
barriers and break new grounds for all Western Vocaloid fans and producers
alike. You probably spent a lot of time coming up with that post so I want to
spend just as much time to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
With people like you, the world becomes a brighter and
happier place. Because of people like you, we are proud to be doing what we are
doing. When we know that Vocaloid
is loved by people who care, we truly feel blessed to be users of this magnificent
program. What it comes down to is that we all share a love for Vocaloid music
and I am glad we are able to connect in this way.
Thank you so much buying our CD and for the active support you
are showing us. We hope to respond to you with achieving greater accomplishments
for the Western Vocaloid world. Together, we can spread Vocaloid into the world!
i dont like them i like the original you suck
vocalekt Visions but the song nice