Weekly UTAU Ranking #147
The video was uploaded a couple of days late this week. Stuff happens! But we’re here now, so please join us.
Sorry for the wait. It’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!
It’s already September. The winners for the 7th MMD Cup finals have been announced. There weren’t any UTAU-related videos among the winners for the 6th Cup, but this time there are several of them. I think the 7th is the one that had the most UTAU-related videos so far, so that’s probably why several of them won. Also, this time too we’ll present some of the contestants in the topic segment.
Well then, let’s see the ranking!
-Editors: chibikarla, Aster Selene, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translator: kurisuto
-Song Status: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)
- OP: 桃音モモ@UTAU オリジナル 「六角姬」
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- #20: 【アニメアイドルマスターOP】READY!!【VIPPALOIDカバー】 (!!)
Excellent tuning and too adorable. - #19: 【GUMI・重音テト】星とさいくる【オリジナル】 (!!)
<no comment> - #18: 【UTAUねんどろs】ぬこみみスイッチ (!!)
<no comment> - #17: 【欲音ルコ】天才少年の許し難いささやかな苦悩【オリジナル】 (!!)
YESYESYESMALERUKO. - #16: 【消臭妖精ノール】メタエタプロパであなたの!デオフェアリー【UTAU】 (!!)
<no comment> - #15: 【重音テト】 HERO 【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Beautiful song to relax to. - #14: 【リツ&miki】crazy 4 U【オリジナル曲】 (!!)
Okay, I’m in love. - #13: 可能世界のロンド【重音テトカバーPV 修正・画質向上版】 (!!)
<no comment> - #12: 『Leia』UTAわせてみた【波音リツ】 (!!)
Ritsu sounds so pretty~ - #11: 【UTAU/高中經典文化教材】小漁夫套娃 【マトリョシカ】 (↓2)
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- #23: 【穂歌ソラ】Hello Mr.Colorful【オリジナル曲】
<no comment> - #26: 【VOCALOID】ハカナイモノガ【雪歌ユフ】
<no comment> - #40: 【ナミダ】フェアリーテール・ブルー【UTAUオリジナル曲PV】
<no comment> - #42: 【UTAUオリジナル】 君に消臭☆要請 【消臭妖精ノール】
<no comment> - #44: 【遊音コウタ】アンテナ【オリジナル】
<no comment> - #48: 【楓歌コト】初恋【UTAUオリジナル】
We need more great Koto! - #52: 【UTAUオリジナル】新天地【翔歌トリ】
<no comment> - #60: 【UTAUオリジナル曲】Thinkin’ in the rain【白鐘ヒヨリ】
<no comment> - #70: 【重音テト】Love stealer【オリジナル】
<no comment> - OUT OF RANKING: 【UTAU新音源】ロミオとシンデレラ【昼寝ミィコ】 (NEW VB)
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- #10: 【MMD+UTAU】スイートマジック【春歌ナナ】 HD (!!)
Just too cute…. - #9: 【桃音モモ】にゃにゃにゃんにゃんにゃーのこねこ【アレンジ・手描き】 (↓3)
<no comment> - #8: 修正版 【男の娘すげぇ】波音リツ『 FREELY TOMORROW 』【UTAUカバー】 (↓4)
<no comment> - #7: 【東方IOSYS x UTAU/高中經典文化教材】漁夫的完美包包販售教室 (!!)
<no comment> - #6: 【戦国BASARA】特殊な性癖を持つBASARALOID変態王子 耐久参回戦 【UTAU】 (!!)
<no comment> - #5: 【デフォ子さんすげぇ】 FREELY TOMORROW 【UTAUカバー】 (↑8)
<no comment> - #4: 【ナナさんすげぇ】春歌ナナでFREELY TOMORROW【カバー】 (!!)
TOPIC: MMD 7th Cup Finals
We’ll present UTAU-related videos that were submitted for the 7th MMD Cup finals. We’ll present the five videos that got the most point, out of the ones we haven’t presented last week.
- #5: 【第7回MMD杯Ex】あてぶりでAnswer
<no comment> - #4: 【第7回MMD杯本選】*CradleSong*-short ver-
<no comment> - #3: 【第7回MMD杯本選】ある日の欲音家【またもや大遅刻】
<no comment> - #2: 【第7回MMD杯本選】うそつき!
♥♥♥♥ - #1: 【第7回MMD杯本選】誰かが「ココロ」の必要性を問うようです【M】
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- #5: 【ウタマス4】なないずむ!クロスフェードデモ【UTAU】
<no comment> - #4: ボカロの脳内を調べてみたああああああああ
*raises eyebrow* - #3: 【雪歌ユフ】hp band-edition【HD】
<no comment> - #2: [GUN]うちのテトがガンカタを覚えたそうです[KATA]
<no comment> - #1: 【手描きPV】【UTAU/高中經典文化教材】小漁夫套娃 【マトリョシカ】
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THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #95)
- #5: 【UTAU】reCooperation【テトオリジナル・再録】
<no comment> - #4: 【UTAU】波音リツに「リリリリ★バーニングナイト」を歌ってもらった
<no comment> - #3: 【APヘタリア】ArmadaDeath【歌わせて描いてみた】
<no comment> - #2: 【初音ミク&重音テト オリジナル】 ばぁか 【ムラムラします】
<no comment> - #1: 【重音テト】おうちへかえろう。【オリジナル】
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- #3: 【UTAU】 しまださんの声を抽出してみた (!!)
<no comment> - #2: 【鏡音リン、他】 スプートニク少年少女 【宇宙的オリジナル曲】 (!!)
This is a bit different, but actually sounds pretty good. - #1: (↑ OUT OF RANKING)
This song is everywhere now.
- ED: 【悠音トト】 フェイルクライマー 【オリジナル曲】
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The number 1 was a Yukkuri cover of “FREELY TOMORROW” by Machine Gun-P. Congratulations! It got really popular because it combined the popularity of both Yukkuri and “FREELY TOMORROW”!
To conclude this ranking, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25. See you next week!
October 1, Tei’s Day 2011
(translator’s note: “Miku” is sometimes represented as “39”. Likewise, “Tei” can be represented as 10 [Te] 1 [i])
1. “Japanese excepted” category.
Upload a video or an illustration that doesn’t contain Japanese. You can use any other language, even constructed ones, whether you made them yourself or not. You can use these languages only in part of your work, not necessarily in your entire work.
2. Free category.
Of course, works not fit to the first category are also welcome. There are no restrictions as long as the works are centered around Tei. Everyone, have fun with Tei!
Submission place: upload your videos to NicoNicoDouga, and your illustrations to NicoNicoSeiga.
It is recommended that you use “テイの日2011” as a tag.
Make Tei sing, create a video, draw an illustration… let’s all have fun together!
Each week we’ll feature one reader’s video pick. If you’d like to see your pick here, please comment and list the video and why you like it; it can be any video, so long as there is UTAU involved!
This week’s Reader’s Pick comes from (  ̄ω ̄)ノ(  ̄ヮ ̄;), who recommends “Time Capsule” by Kamome Sano feat. Kasane Teto. They write “kamome sano writes some really nice tunes, though he is not very well-known. this is one of my favorites.” I have to pop in here and agree; this is an amazing song!
Not bad, not bad at all. I didn’t snag a ton of songs to keep this week, but the ones I did are great. And SO MUCH “FREELY TOMORROW.” I mean, it’s a good song, but I’m not in the group of “it’s the best thing ever;” I think the Reader’s Pick is better. But yeah, maybe it’s just me.
In other news, I am no longer sick! 😀
this week is my week, thanks to you guys & ritsu 😀