New Costumes and Songs Announced for Project DIVA extend

Four new costumes and three new songs have been revealed for the SONY PSP game, “Project DIVA extend.” Read on for all the information.
First let’s take a look at the newest costumes/modules that have been announced.

Next we’ll present the newest confirmed songs.
NicoNico Douga link, YouTube link.

NicoNico Douga link, YouTube link.

NicoNico Douga link, YouTube link.

The newest promotional video for the game showcases all the announced modules and songs released so far.
YouTube Mirror
Of the thirty-six songs in the game, nineteen will be new. The DIVA room will have over forty events and altogether there will be more than 150 outfits/modules. The game is slated for a November release of this year. For pre-order information please check out this article.
Sources: “Project DIVA” blog (entry 1, entry 2, entry 3), Official “Project DIVA extend” site, Moetron.
This proves what I had said before. Sekiranun Graffiti will be the new opener, but it’ll be a full CG opener like the others previously. I’m looking forward to seeing the full version. It looks like it got a level up along with everything else.
Starduster and Luka Luka Night Fever? Well, I’m sold.
> Luka Luka Night Fever
> Song Lineup
> Costumes
Hello, early birthday/Christmas present.
Did you realise Luka is using Danceroid’s moves?
I thought it uses the dance in mikupa concert?
Man White Eve looks so beautiful but where the heterochromatic eye necessary. Sometimes that works if it is part of your character, but on Miku it just looks wierd.
You’re right, it seemed a bit strange at first. I suppose if it fits an original PV or artwork for a particular song that may have inspired the costume, I guess there’s no reason not to do it. Reminds me of one of the “I’m Still Alive” covers featuring Luka where the artwork features her eyes as red and blue.
It does fits the original artwork from Starduster: a white cat. Some white cats have heterochromatic eyes, actually having a blue and a yellow eye (one actually lives like 3 blocks from my house).
I love it. It gives her a strikingly beautiful, whimsical look.
Dammit, Luka. Why do you always have to look so good … Flippin’ nosebleed …
By the way Bunny, you forgot the most important thing:
TGS demo for extend is out on PS Store. >.>
Dude, Luka has Chobits ears now. oAo;;
Aaaand as usual, liking the Kagamine outfits the most. They just…work.
Unfortunately, as usual the Diva engine can’t handle transparency well, so the full effect of the Append outfits are essentially lost.
Needs more MEIKO and KAITO love…
miku looks sad in her game picture
and again miku eyes doesnt match xD
seconding hergenwhatsitderp. Needs more Kaito and Meiko. I’ve never been so excited about a game in a long time yet I will never get to play it. ever ;___;
YAY!!! This game will be my late birthday present!! I’m so glad they’re bringing back the DIVA room. I loved watching the Kagamines and Miku being silly. ;D It would’ve been nice if they added some other songs from the concerts, like Puzzle and World’s End Dancehall from Mikunopolis. Either way, I’m so excited for this game! It’s gonna be awesome! >:D
Miku’s stealing Yuna’s(FFX) eyes now. Kodoku no Hate FTW~~~
there are append outfits!?