FM 139.7 Publishes VOCALOID Digital Magazine VocaloLight
FM 139.7, an online magazine about “East-Asian Pop Culture” that primarily focuses on Japan apparently published their first issue of their VOCALOID-centric online magazine, VocaloLight. The first issue, laid out in full color with various VOCALOID illustrations (from official art or art posted on PIAPRO), presents several articles, including an overview of the new VOCALOID3 sound banks, a look at new songs from February, as well as an article on the loudness war and its relationship to VOCALOID culture. The issue is currently available both in PDF and iBook format, although a video-integrated PDF is coming later as well.
It’s FM 139.7, not 137.9 🙂
Oops, let me go correct that 🙂
Is it only in iBook and PDF format? I wish there was an ePub; then could read it on my kindle.
Currently we do not have an .epub file. I am currrently in the midst of looking for software that will embed videos into .epub files.
Thanks, that would be great. Also the video seems not to play without the Adobe reader. So yes ePub would probably be better.
Nice magazine BTW, I subscribed 🙂