CreoFUGA, NAMCO Bandai and INTERNET Announce GUMI Song Contest

CreoFUGA, a website for music contests, is hosting a contest for original GUMI (V2 or V3) songs in collaboration with INTERNET Co., Ltd. and NAMCO Bandai. Winning entries would be used in a video game NAMCO Bandai is working on, although details about the game will not be publicly announced until late June. Participants would also be eligible to win either one of two copies of Singer Songwriter Lite 7, one of ten not-for-sale clear sheet protectors or one of four GUMI 4-sticker sets. The contest starts on May 26 and entries must be submitted via the CreoFUGA website by the end of GUMI’s birthday, June 26. GUMI will also have a birthday event at nicofarre on the same day, and users of the VOCALOID3 version of GUMI can also participate in the separate VOCALOID3 music contest. As a promotional offer, CreoFUGA also posted a coupon code for discounts on the sound banks when bought from INTERNET’s store before the end of the contest.

Participants are invited to create songs between 1:30 to 2:00 using any of the Megpoid sound banks, including the original VOCALOID2 version. Each contestant can submit up to two songs for the contest. Submission opens on May 26 and ends on June 26. Judges will be looking for songs that fit well with the game. There is no set number of songs that will be selected, so there is the possibility that no songs get picked in the end. Winners will enter talks with NAMCO Bandai for license negotiations.

As for who is eligible, both individuals and bands are eligible regardless of whether they are pros or amateurs. Songs picked need to go through proper contracts with music publishing companies, etc. and therefore only original songs unpublished before submission to the contest are allowed. Submissions must be done through the CreoFUGA site, and thus those without accounts need to register one for free. The registration page consists of fields for user name, email address, password (twice for confirmation) and a checkbox for agreeing to the usage guidelines. Clicking on the link in the confirmation email finishes the registration process.

Submissions by registered users would need to consist of an MP3 file (44100Hz sampling rate) as well as comments about the song. Lyrics should be included in the comments field. After submission, participants can post these songs on personal or video sharing sites. When posted on Nico Nico, the videos should be tag-locked with “クレオフーガGUMIコンテスト”.

Some guidelines have been posted about the type of music wanted. First, in order for the song to be appropriate for a rhythm game, the song’s melody (vocal) and hihat rhythm must be a good enough guide for the rhythm of the song to the player. Thus, all parts (including vocals) must be clearly synched in rhythm, so parts whose timbres feature slow attacks should be adjusted accordingly.

Second, low frequencies present in the drums and the bass should be kept under control. There is no need to try to boost the volume of the song [c.f. loudness wars]. The overall loudness should be fine if it’s around 3dB to 6dB below typical modern pop songs. Listening to the left and right channels by themselves should not radically alter how the song sounds.

Third, songs should be between 1:30 and 2:00 in length. If the song enters a second set of lyrics [i.e. second set of verse and refrain], please make the effort to change some of the accompaniment as well.

Lastly, winners will be required to provide: a) a full mixdown (no requirements on sampling rate and bitrate), b) various alternate stem mixes consisting of separated instruments, as needed, c) lyrics and d) a list of credits for the composer, arranger, lyricist, vocalist/guitarist or other performers and the mix engineer.

The rules further note that songs entered in this contest cannot be used commercially (regardless of whether it generates revenue or not) for the duration of the contest. Synthesized real instrument parts like guitars may be re-recorded using a live performer if the song is picked, and part of or all of the lyrics may also be changed by a professional lyricist. Instrumental versions of the songs may need to be provided during the judging phase.

Furthermore, entries must not infringe on the rights of a third party. Commercial sampling CDs should be avoided if possible. If the song needs such samples, then they should be clearly indicated with the entry. However, Apple Loops or loops that come with software/hardware synths are fine.

3 thoughts on “CreoFUGA, NAMCO Bandai and INTERNET Announce GUMI Song Contest”

  1. So it’s a song contest.
    But you must register.
    And it must be a certain length
    And it has to have a mp3
    And backup instrumentals?!

    Thats way too much for me xD

  2. That really is a lot to ask of someone entering a contest with original music — why not just let them express themselves as is? Other online music contests like MakeAStar let you upload any type of music video you like into their monthly contests on their website and they offer cash prixes to the winners — winners voted on by actual fans. MakeAStar’s website, during the contest, actually encourages fans to vote, share, and leave the artists comments so there is an actual communication.

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