Potential SXSW Miku Panel Needs Votes to Happen

The PanelPicker for 2013’s South by Southwest (SXSW) Conferences & Festivals opened up for voting on potential panels this Monday, and Alex LeAvitt‘s entry “Miku: The Open-Source Girl Who Conquered the World” needs enough votes to get a chance at being selected. SXSW is a “unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies” and takes place March 8-17, 2013. Earlier this year at SXSW 2012, Alex had also hosted a panel about the same topic, but for the upcoming year he is joined with Tara Knight of UCSD (creator of Mikumentary), along with Hiroyuki Itoh and Kanae Muraki of Crypton Future Media. The panel will be about the “open source culture” of Vocaloid, spreading knowledge of the fact that the songs, images, stories, and others were created by the fans. A free account at the SXSW PanelPicker is required to vote and the last day to vote is August 31 CDT. The public votes only count for about 30% of the decision-making process, while 40% is decided by the SXSW Advisory Board and the last 30% is based on the input of the SXSW staff. Votes can be submitted on the panel page, which also contains more detailed information about the panel as well.

About: Pengy

3 thoughts on “Potential SXSW Miku Panel Needs Votes to Happen”

  1. “Open-source” sounds kind of weird for a vocaloid. I get it that the Piapro license is pretty liberal, but the software is far from the actual meaning of open-source.
    If I remember correct, even UTAU is freeware only.
    Can the voice bank be considered software?
    Correct me if I’m wrong.

    1. I agree this not the right word, at least in the original meaning of OpenSource. However i think that Alex Leavitt went for “Open Source” because he wanted to draw a parallel with the open and crowd-based conception of open-source software where anyone can participate in opposition to closed-source software built by a company. Here the creation process as much as the star are crowd-based and anyone can participate in opposition to traditional Music labels behavior selecting and controlling tightly their music.

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