KAITO V3 to Come with Crypton’s Own VSTi Compatible Editor
Crypton Future Media has now updated the KAITO V3 page with more product information, including detailed descriptions of the four sound banks as well as pricing. Preorders are open now at 16,800 JPY for a scheduled mid-February release of KAITO V3. Furthermore, in addition to Tiny VOCALOID3 Editor, the KAITO V3 package comes with Crypton’s very own VSTi-capable VOCALOID editor called Piapro Studio, along with PreSonus Studio One Artist 2.5 Piapro Edition, a basic DAW software package and VST host that includes several instrument plugins as well. Crypton is also throwing in some sample banks and a sound data organizer from SONICWIRE. Meanwhile, KAITO’s new character design on the official website is still a silhouette.
UPDATE: wat from Crypton answered a few questions from followers on Twitter.
UPDATE2: KAITO V3 visuals now up on main site, and a few new demo songs have been added.
Sound Bank Descriptions
- DB 1: STRAIGHT – a rich and clear natural voice
Good for: traditional folk songs, pop music, all genres of rock
Recommended tempo: 90-200 BPM, Recommended pitch range: B1-C3 - DB 2: SOFT – a mellow and gentle voice
Good for: soft rock, folk, ambient
Recommended tempo: 80-180 BPM, Recommended pitch range: D2-B2 - DB 3: WHISPER – a sweet whisper that touches your heart
Good for: ballads, jazz, soul
Recommended tempo: 65-150 BPM, Recommended pitch range: F2-D3 - DB 4: ENGLISH – an intelligent and calm natural English voice
Good for: fusion, dance, electronica
Recommended tempo: 70-190 BPM, Recommended pitch range: B1-B2
Piapro Studio
Piapro Studio appears to be Crypton’s own implementation of an editing software package for VOCALOID3; it takes the place of VOCALOID3 Editor and provides some features not found in the latter. For example, it has a VSTi interface that allows DAW software to directly interact with the editor, much in the same way VOCALOID2 used ReWire to hook into DAW software. Its lyric entry feature has slightly more customization than VOCALOID3 Editor, allowing for automatic adding of notes if the number of syllables exceeds the number of notes. It also supports editing properties of many notes simultaneously; the demonstration video showed selecting several notes and altering the vibrato settings of all of them at the same time. The vibrato and attack settings for each note are now below and above the note respectively, instead of both being below the note. Parameters can be adjusted and results heard in real-time as well. Like VOCALOID3 Editor, Piapro Studio has no limits on the number of measures (unlike Tiny VOCALOID3 Editor) and supports multiple tracks. It appears from screenshots that display of parameter adjustment curves can be toggled for each parameter.
Studio One 2.5 Artist / Piapro Edition
Studio One is a series of DAW software packages from PreSonus, with Free, Artist, Producer and Professional versions. The Piapro Edition apparently comes with at least four virtual instrument plugins — Presence, SampleOne, Mojito and Impact. The first two are sample players, Mojito is a monophonic subtractive synthesizer, and Impact is a drum machine. Customers can plug Piapro Studio directly into Studio One and be able to work on both instrumentals and vocals without the need for additional software.
Q & A
エディタまで自社で出したらクリプトン赤字ちゃいます? @kenseidou 価格に関して多少の議論はありましたが、中長期的に見て総合的に判断しました。
— crypton_wat (@vocaloid_cv_cfm) December 26, 2012
Q: Making even your own editor, is Crypton going to be in the red?
A: There was some deliberation about the pricing, but we made the decision considering the big picture by looking at the mid to long term.
ピアプロスタジオの件ですが、V2のインポートや他社ボカロの使用は出来るのでしょうか? @you1005 すいません。順次情報出しを行う予定ですが、お急ぎであればメールでお問い合せ頂くのが確実かと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。
— crypton_wat (@vocaloid_cv_cfm) December 26, 2012
Q: Regarding Piapro Studio, would it be possible to import VOCALOID2 sound banks or import ones from other companies?
A: Sorry that I can’t answer that right now. We’re going to be releasing more information bit by bit, but if you are in a rush, contacting us via email is the better option.
V3KAITOって、これ一本で動くんですか?前のKAITOはなくても大丈夫なんでしょうか? @nikotyu_kari 弊社Append製品のように、元となる製品が必要ということは御座いません。よろしくお願いいたします。
— crypton_wat (@vocaloid_cv_cfm) December 26, 2012
Q: With KAITO V3, we’d only need this right? It’s okay not to own the previous version of KAITO?
A: KAITO V3 will not require the previous version to work, unlike our Append products from before.
— at this point wat was notified that he had been quoting people backwards on Twitter —
はい。概ねその通りです RT @cyross …もしかして、KAITOV3が遅れたのはpiapro studio作っていたから…とかはないですよね…。 RT @vocaloid_cv_cfm: 内容更新しました / http://t.co/gDbWGYuO …
— crypton_wat (@vocaloid_cv_cfm) December 26, 2012
Q: Wait, don’t tell me that Piapro Studio was what made KAITO V3 late… (no way that would happen, right)?
A: Yes, it was kind of like that.
すいません。念のため問い合わせメールにてご確認頂ければ幸いです RT @nico_toumi KAITO V1を持っていますが(ライセンスの登録済み、優待販売のメールをいただいました)、海外在住の者です。今回は海外にKAITO V3の郵送ができますか?
— crypton_wat (@vocaloid_cv_cfm) December 26, 2012
Q: I own KAITO V1 (I’ve already registered my license and received the promotional offer email) and I live overseas. Will you be able to ship KAITO V3 overseas?
A: Sorry, but to be sure, please email us to check.
今後、機能詳細については順次ご紹介させて戴く予定です。細かい違いは色々ありますので、それぞれのユーザー様にご判断をお願いできれば幸いです。RT @hitemilu V3エディタの代わりになるものって考えであってますか?
— crypton_wat (@vocaloid_cv_cfm) December 26, 2012
Q: Is this supposed to be a replacement for VOCALOID3 Editor?
A: We’re planning to go into detail [about the features in Piapro Studio] bit by bit. There are some fine differences between the two, so we’d like users to make the call themselves.
当面の間は、弊社WEBページ等で販売を継続させていただく予定です。RT @fumizuki_ 質問失礼いたします。V1の優待期間が終わったらV1が廃盤になる可能性はありますか?
— crypton_wat (@vocaloid_cv_cfm) December 26, 2012
Q: Excuse me, I’d like to ask a question. Once the promotional offer for KAITO V1 owners expires, is there a possibility that the V1 release will become obsolete?
A: For the time being, we’re planning on continuing sales through our website and other channels.
macでの動作は現状予定されておりません RT @yoruhane ピアプロスタジオの動作はwinのみですか?macでの操作は可能ですか?
— crypton_wat (@vocaloid_cv_cfm) December 26, 2012
Q: Will Piapro Studio only run on Windows? Would it be possible to run on Mac?
A: Currently we have no plans to have it run on Mac.
これからのリリース情報を吟味して頂ければ幸いです。ともかく、現状ver1.0相当ですから、バージョンアップには気を配っていく予定です。 RT @ejiwarp 気になりますけどこれってV3 Editor 購入する必要無くなるってこと?!
— crypton_wat (@vocaloid_cv_cfm) December 26, 2012
Q: Kind of been wondering about this, but does this mean there’ll be no need to buy VOCALOID3 Editor?!
A: Please look into our upcoming release information. In any case, right now version 1.0 is pretty decent, and we plan on looking into version updates.
現状、単体発売は予定されておりません。RT @kazanexxx02 ピアプロスタジオの単体販売があるかどうかというのも、今後わかるのでしょうか?それとも、ありませんか…?
— crypton_wat (@vocaloid_cv_cfm) December 26, 2012
Q: The question of whether Piapro Studio will be sold standalone, will that be revealed later or will there be no plans?
A: Right now, we have no plans to sell Piapro Studio separately.
I was a little confused about Piapro Editor…it’s a bit hard to believe Yamaha would allow Crypton to release something that bypasses Tiny Editor. Does it provide full functionality as a separate program or is it limited to a VST plugin?
hhhmmmm the new Piapro editor sounds some what intreting but I will probably stick to the V3 editor. As for the KAITO english I’m still digging it. He sounds way closed throat and nasally. (Still this is Crypton so it will sell well no matter what)
Thanks for this very good report HighTrance.
Damn the guys at CFM are really leveraging the success of their CV series to also expand their other lines of business.
@Folk Princess. Be sure that CFM are doing what the Yamaha licence allows them to do.
On early morning of January 6th, Mr. Hiroyuki Itoh (@itohh), the CEO of Crypton Future Media, tweeted the finished development of “KAITO V3”.
I translated it word by word, and tweeted. See -> http://togetter.com/li/435011
Any obligation of errors in translation owes @3103net.
@itohh has also told that Crypton Future Media will set official English announcement on their web, soon.
Can I buy KAITO V3 in South America?