i-Style Project Running Art and Music Contest for Aoki Lapis Birthday
To celebrate Aoki Lapis’s upcoming birthday on April 6, i-Style Project is running at least two contests until April 20. The first contest is an art contest where fans are invited to draw illustrations of either Aoki by herself or Aoki with her sister Merli. Finished art are to be uploaded to VOCAPIC (account registration required) under the 蒼姫ラピス category, with 蒼姫ラピス生誕祭2014 added as a tag. A second contest running simultaneously is a music contest for songs featuring either the VOCALOID3 version of Aoki Lapis or the iVOCALOID version. Entries are to be uploaded to YouTube and 蒼姫ラピス生誕祭2014 needs to be placed in a comment on the video. After the video is uploaded, the URL must be sent via a submission form for the video to be added to the contest. Unmodified versions of provided video background images may be used for these videos, as usual. One winner from each of these contests will win a VOCALOID Starter Kit (includes external audio interface, Cubase AI license and VOCALOID Editor for Cubase NEO) as well as either Aoki Lapis NEO or Merli NEO. The winning song will also be distributed digitally by i-Style Music. For each contest, three contestants will also be chosen randomly to win Aoki Lapis or Merli character merchandise.
Cool. Shame I have no talent for either contest.