v flower Gets May 9 Release Date
Yamaha has just posted a press release announcing more details about the upcoming “v flower” VOCALOID3 voice bank that had been used recently in a new song by production team HoneyWorks. The voice bank will have a May 9 release as a digital download at 9333 JPY, with a hard copy version scheduled for summer of this year. The voice bank is touted to be a powerful and clear-sounding female voice suitable for rock music. Her range is from F#2 to F4 and her recommended tempo range is from 80 to 200 BPM. The character herself is called “flower” and was designed by Rukoru and illustrated by Yamako, both members of HoneyWorks. A booth will be set up at niconico Chokaigi this year to demonstrate the software.
They seem to be moving pretty fast with her. At any rate, she is already doing pretty well!
Its just me or she looks a lot like a White haired Black Rock Shooter?
She sorta does, haha.
Only around 14 days to go until Flower’s debut.
I look forward to seeing how the users make use of her power-sounding voice.
Her voice is so cute,and love her song in honeyworks 🙂 And…I love honeyworks! I wish they can use her more in their new sings soon