Weekly UTAU Ranking #116 – Loading Woes

Image source: 松@inツイター
Image source: 松@inツイター

Sorry this week’s article is late; one reason is that the video itself was uploaded late this week (the uploader had some issues), another reason is that I’ve been busy, and lastly, I’m having a TON of issues loading NND videos for the past while. But thing happen and you get past them, so now let’s continue on, shall we?

Hi, it’s time for the Weekly UTAU Ranking!

Apparently, this video is a revised version… but there are still typos! That’s why I always say it should be checked thoroughly before it’s uploaded! Anyway, let’s move on.

As you probably know, it’s been announced that “Black Drill Digger” will be released as a 3D anime! Yes, you heard right, 3D!

It will be a more than 30 minutes-length 3D anime featuring UTAUloids, based on the following concept: “What if Kasane Teto played the character of Black Rock Shooter?”

Together with Yumeno Mikan, Nigamon, and BudouP who participated on the “Teto de Black Rock Shooter Tsukutte Mita” MMD video, many other distinguished members will also be part of the project, like MurataP, Hechiko, TanitaiP, and SourouP for instance.

The details about the production will be announced on the official blog, so stay tuned! You can also read the specifics of the story on the site. So, what will it look like? It seems we’ll have to continue following the official site; we’re not done being all excited about the new announcements! And I can’t wait for Teto’s birthday!

Well then, let’s start from number 20 to 11!

-Editors: deztora, chibikarla, Aster Selene, Holocauxt, Bunnychan, Pokénatic
-Translator: kurisuto
-Song Stats: Up (↑), Down (↓), Unmoved (→), Unranked (–), New (!!)




We’ll present some of the UTAU-related videos that were uploaded for the 6th MMD Cup preliminary contest. This week, we’ll see the 5 videos that got the most points among those that weren’t featured in last week’s segment. Let’s watch them!


☆THIS WEEK IN HISTORY (Weekly UTAU Ranking #64)


As you’ve seen, this week’s number 1 was “Nichijousahanji”, a Sekka Yufu and Hatsune Miku duet. Congratulations!

It’s the 3rd most popular video in the history of the UTARan, and is the first non-Vipperloid song that got more than 10,000 points, so it’s really a crushing number 1! We’ll see if it’ll go on like this next week!

Well then, let’s see number 21 to 100, as well as the extra ranking number 6 to 25.

Bunnychan: Had my Sansa on random the other day and FUTURE DRAWING by FALLP feat. Sekka Yufu popped up and I remembered how much I LOVE that song. The beat and simple lyrics and the tuning of Yufu’s voice make for one impacting song.

Been a rather hectic and crazy week for me. It figures when I had the free time this week the Ranking wasn’t uploaded and it does upload I’m busy for the next while. *sigh* Ohwell, life happens, but I’ll try to get the article out as timely as I can. So, this week was decent, Ruko’s male VB demo being my top favorite (sorry, big Ruko fan here). Number one is a great surprise, Sime-Saba Twisters has made some of my favorite UTAU works. I’m curious where it will land next week.

Ohyeah, and the BDD announcement at the beginning? This was my face – > :DDDDDDDDDD

About: bunnychan

12 thoughts on “Weekly UTAU Ranking #116 – Loading Woes”

  1. Like I said in my VocaRan comment, number one is romanized as Nichijousahanji. It's a play on 日常茶飯事 (which means "everyday occurence"), but with 鎖 instead of 茶. However, 鎖 can also be read as "sa", which is why the wordplay works.

    Also, I believe Future Drawing is by Fall (ふぉーるP), right? I only mention this because I just happened to download the song the other day, and I thought transliterating the name into kana when giving him a P name was a neat idea.

    1. Thanks for that information, I have edited the article to have the correct name.

      Is his name read as Fall? I read the hiragana as "Fuuru" as I'm no expert at Japanese, so I'm never 100% sure on the P names a lot of the time.

      1. His name IS Fall. (Or, FALL, since it's all capitalized.) When giving him a P name (because "Still Alive in Love" was *just that awesome*), they took his handle and put it into kana, resulting in ふぉるP (I wrote it wrong before, this is what the NND tag says).

        So, yeah. ^^; Oh, there's also 掘るP, but I like ふぉるP better.

      2. Hello Bunny-, notice that ふぉるP uses ぉ, not お therefore ふぉ should be read as "fo", not "fuo". Now this is quite peculiar, I have been studying Japanese for almost one year and I have never seen hiragana used to write the extended sounds. フォ is quite common, but ふぉit's the first time I'm seeing it !

        Now if someone can explain me the play between 日常茶飯事 & 日常鎖飯事 …

        1. It's little things like that that make studying Japanese very difficult for me. I know very, very little and what I do know is self taught, so I'm sure I make a lot of errors and I would much rather someone to point out my mistakes so I can learn, so thank you very much.

  2. I think the most interesting part of the top ranking is its unusual metric! The phrases elongate a little more than usual, making it sound odd, but fitting. Aldso uses 7/4 measures and 4/4 together! I mean, that is not common in everyday music! My congrats to them!

  3. Haha,日常鎖飯事 topped the UTAU ranking as predicted ^^ I wish it will also stay a second week on the Vocaran.

  4. heh, i never actually got into UTAUloids at first, but this has kind of "opened the gates" and released the kraken. Can't wait to see what teto will look like as BRS (hopefully, we'll get a better ending than the last BRS)
    p.s. #13, was that a guy or a girl? o.O

    1. Yokune Ruko is a hermaphrodite and has a female and male voice bank. The video for number 13 is demoing the ver. 2 of the male voicebank (the female VB got a new ver. a little while ago).

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