Happy 4th Birthday, Kasane Teto!

Today marks an important day for all UTAU fans, as today we celebrate Teto’s birthday! Four years ago, a few members from 2ch (a popular Japanese imageboard) created Kasane Teto as an April Fools’ joke. She had a lot of hype behind her, as many believed her to be a genuine Vocaloid. Eventually, Teto became a reality, and she had a voicebank made for the UTAU engine. Although she started as nothing more than a prank, today Teto is arguably the most well known UTAU.
Let’s have a listen to some of the more popular Teto songs over the past year!
Unfortunately, Teto didn’t have too many popular original songs last year. But don’t worry, lets dig up some covers!
Ochame Kinou – LamazeP
Now let’s have a look at some fanart for Teto’s birthday!

Once again, we’d like to wish Teto a happy birthday and a bright future ahead! Feel free to leave your thoughts below!
She’s once of my favorite Vocaloids/UTAUs ever! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TETO!
Happy birthday Teto! I’ve found many good new Teto songs in the last year.
Couldn’t Believe it already April 1st
Happy Birthday Teto!!
All the fanart is nice, anyways happy birthday, Teto, I love you. <333
Happy birthday Teto!
Not… gonna post some birthday songs…?
*slowly raises hands in confusion*
Yaaaaay Teto!!!
UTAUloids for the win!!!!